[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

This update should have just been a checkbox on the upload page/config page for audio instead of forcefully making every audio private regardless if the uploader wants it or not


Really? So limiting small devs to 10 audios per month is giving us more options?
This is really dumb. Anyone who knows anything about games knows how much audio you need to use.
It should be at 100 and even that is on the low end. (players who DevEx or own premium should not be given more audio uploads, That just creates a gap between small devs and big devs and between premium and non-premium for no reason). I really hope Roblox rethinks this. This will not remove barriers. Instead, it will create more. Even with the paid audio upload, it was a better experience as you could upload as many as you wanted if you had the Robux. But limiting users? How is that removing barriers? I ask Roblox for all small devs, Please, Please Rethink this. Please


I agree, since I prefer buying things for my avatar instead of buying audio, I rely on my friend who is nice enough to upload sound effects/musics for me. So for example; I make a monster in studio, my friend uploads the monster’s sounds, I use them and then they don’t play in my game because I don’t own them. This update will ruin everything, it will also break many Roblox games. I can already see people complaining about it.

It is an absolute outrage that ROBLOX would do this to small-time developers. And people will keep complaining about it for months to come if this update is put into effect, many people are divided on this one.

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Woah. I need alot of audios for my game, and i hate, when i buy audio and then i see its wrong, and i just threw away 20 robux. Fact, now there are free audios, made me pretty happy. Thanks! :smiley:

This is not a good idea in the slightest. Not only are you harming the experience of thousands of users and developers by effectively removing a large portion of sound effects and music from games, you’re also giving nowhere near enough time for some developers to sort out the problems caused by this change. Some games are using dozens, even hundreds of sounds uploaded by various developers, a lot of which can easily be over 6 seconds.

Like many other developers, I am now forced to reupload any sounds longer than 6 seconds that I can find in my numerous projects. I already know there are dozens of them. For unverified users, this is particularly difficult considering they only get as few as 10 uploads per month. Unfortunately I will also have to deal with this, as I have not ID verified for privacy reasons.

Moreover, in a previous announcement “Announcing Free Badge Creations!,” the following was mentioned about badge uploads previously costing 100 Robux:

However, this does not align with our long-term vision of making creation on Roblox frictionless.

Does having to first save and then reupload dozens of sound effects and songs over the course of several months align with your “long-term vision of making creation on Roblox frictionless”?

Finally, let’s talk about what will happen to a lot of sound effects. A lot of people who have uploaded quality sounds in the past are no longer active on Roblox for one reason or another. Because you’re setting sounds longer than 6 seconds to private by default, a lot of these sounds will be lost forever. One would think it’s obvious that these sounds are needed in a lot of games and that making them private will have adverse effects on user experience in thousands of games.

I have serious doubts that the huge amount of feedback you’ve gotten about this will have any effect on how this change will be implemented, but one can always hope.


When I first started developing on the platform, the lack of asset privacy was one of the big turnoffs for me, professional teams will simply not be happy with all of their work being publicly accessible by anyone on the platform. I’m happy with this change, however, the speed at which is happening is a little concerning (but doesn’t affect me because I don’t have a live product).

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How can you be happy with this update, the limit for uploading audios is very limited, easily bypassable and you can’t use any audio community-made after March 22.


Many big games already upload their on audios (phantom forces, probably strucid, adopt me, etc) but roblox doesn’t understand how much small developers actually rely on public/off-sale audios found in models and the catalog

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I am very against this update, who even thought that forcing 6+ second long audio to be private is a good idea? Nearly 90% of games uses UGC audio. The Roblox’s Official sound library is full of generic music that no one really cared about. First we have the copyright abusing music companies and now this is how we “fix” it?

I believe people will leave roblox because of this update, and that might include developers.

The only thing I liked about this update is the Free audio update, but getting more audios to upload after reaching the limit should use a robux system instead of forcing people to sacrafise their ID card to Roblox so everything that is against the laws of some country you do in Roblox will be sent to that government.

Why can’t u make audio uploaded before March 22 all public, regardless of if it is 6 seconds long or not?

This is basically the same thing as the “Animations Update”, and I even seen an changed.org petition related to that update.

I also believe people will hate Roblox because of this “Update”. How is this “helping” roblox? It doesn’t!

This update seems to cater for the “Big Developers” more than the “small developers”.

I hope this update never becomes a reality, because it is very controversial to the point that it can even destroy roblox’s developer economy because of that!

I literally wasted my time writing this just to state my opinion about this update.


Yeah, I understand, just honestly angry. Hopefully Roblox rethinks the actions and finds other ways to deal with Copyright Stuff by allowing audios 30seconds+


Attaching a “Guys, audios are now free to upload!” will not fix an update that is horrible in every other way.


Much time has passed and my opinion is still the same for the update. I’m glad audios are free now, but this update that is coming soon is absolutely atrocious and I’m not even sure how this was even considered in the first place.

[Action Needed] Horrible Changes to ““Asset Privacy for Audio””


Please revert it back! I’d rather pay robux than to reupload all the audio in my games. D:


Hey, a bit confusion on my end - how would I go about setting audio assets from public to private? Unless the ‘Private’ label implies something else, from what I understand it means anyone can use the audio in my game, in their own games - which I do not want.

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I think that at this point, it should be reverted.

It seems likenobody here agrees with this change, and there are many examples of people being strongly impacted by this rather useless change.
There’s now a big button stuck on my playing UI, to warn users.
There are also many top developers showing their opinions on this change. Some examples being @Cindering and @Nikilis, and probably others that I haven’t seen.
Please roblox, revert this. Nobody wants it, we would all rather pay for our audios then having all of these restrictions.
More proof is that the community is taking it so poorly, the forums are crashing due to the amount of people trying to reply to this. I got a 502 when trying to post this the first time, now I need to wait 5 minutes to post this. Thanks roblox.
(it has failed 3 times so far lol)

Yes, BUT:

  • It will be private by default
  • Games will be messed up until all of the audios in them are unlocked

And to everybody:

The red X does not mean you cant use the audio!

It just means that it will be set to private on the 22nd, and the original uploader needs to unlock it!

(looks like some linkedinner got this taken down bc i put a meme in it lol, stay mad)


Dude, millions of audios will be privatized, we can only upload 10 audios a month, and need alts for more. We’re being forced to use generic free to use music and sfx in our games, everyone has not even 2 weeks to redo the audio for their game(s).

How is this good? There is 0 benefit for anyone. This is hurting developers, not helping.


This is the most idiotic and unnecessary thing I’ve ever seen Roblox Staff release; it baffles me that they’ve been publishing the recent updates believing they’ve accomplished something beneficial. First the animations, now the audio. If it isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it.

This is obviously how Roblox handles the recent bypassed audio meta. Instead of addressing the problem and calculating a solution, they throw junk in the path of the developers. Very poorly handled.


It will go private and then be unable to go public for an undisclosed amount of time as stated here


The post clearly states this:

We don’t know how long this “temporary pause” will be so there’s a good chance it will be quite a lengthy wait until the original uploader actually has a chance to make audios public.