[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

We got free audio uploads…but at what cost?


for me the limit is 97 until april 8

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On March 22, all newly uploaded audio will be Private by default and all existing audio longer than 6 seconds will be set to Private

This part of the article intrigued me. Does this mean that legacy places which have otherwise been abandoned by the creator will break? Assuming a critical part of a game contains audios which are longer than 6 seconds, that game will then break, and then there will be no way to recover that, unless:

  1. The actual developer were to get online and manually update their place to fix the issue.

  2. Some Roblox staff will probably have to edit the place to fix the issue (which they probably don’t have permission to do anyways)

I mean, yeah this update sounds kinda good, but in turn you just broke a TON of classic places on Roblox. Quick question though: Will Roblox themselves be affected by this? I assume not, as there is probably some sort of internal whitelist for Roblox for this update. Still, other big music creators could be affected by this. I don’t know how to feel about this update. Let’s see how it goes.


Animations are a pain enough already to share let alone playtest with when youre in a tc session with a player owner.
Personally think this update sucks, the only good thing is the free uploads but we cant even use stuff like radios anymore. Nobody will want to listen to dumb ‘roblox approved’ soundtracks. We already had stuff like archiving audios and whatnot to disable usage in other games not made by the user, the way the post is worded by OP makes it sound like roblox got hit by yet another lawsuit that makes them constrict platform freedom even more than before. We had all this private usage stuff before it’s just annoying.


Free audio uploads? Great! Purposefully breaking the audio of every game on the platform or forcing developers to review and or replace every single audio file being used in their game? Horrible. Yes, there are free Roblox audios but because there’s no kind of tag system for audio searching, the toolbox rarely shows relevant sounds. This update will worsen already poor systems, mute older games that don’t receive as much support, and gives developers of larger games a very short time frame to suddenly have to replace the entirety of their game’s audio.


very poor decision, people who made their sounds public inherently agreed to let others use their audio, by privating these you are going against their very wishes, also if this isn’t an option at least make the interval 15 seconds instead of 6, in fact some sounds that are under 6 seconds are being disabled as well


some devs are currently banned and won’t be able to fix the game


roblox: hey guys!1!!1!1!1 were privating all audios that ar elonger than 6 second but don’t worry we have a good deal for you1!1!1!1 you will get free audio upload* as well as this you get a bunch of freee audios that we don’t even own!1!1!! *10 audios per 30 days. Additional charges may apply. Roblox will NOT refund you if your audio is removed. No appealing.


This change has already ruined my game.

for example: The group that uploaded this, I’m fairly certain was locked, and the creator was banned because I cannot find the group anywhere, meaning I have no way of getting this track back unless I reupload it myself.



Very odd. If it’s supposed to be only 10 sounds uploaded per month for users without ID verification without any way to upload more, then my take on the limit would be entirely reversed: 10 sounds per month is way too low for developers and that limit will definitely be reached, contradictory to what the announcement claims.


this is great but i’d rather have audio published public rather than private, the roblox library is an absolute nightmare of inconsistent changes that just make it harder to find certain assets.

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i Completely agree with you this is a terrible, awful update.


This is also something that could benefit my group. We have several audio files per train for my railroading games and it would be very helpful to surpass the 100 audio files per month limit with a small fee.


This is disgusting. Give me 10 audios a month? What if your game has anywhere from 20 to a thousand? 2 weeks to do this? Truly a great show of complete and utter disconnection from what people want. Not to mention people who wanted their audio public, you are literally causing EVERYONE extra pain. This might be the worst change I’ve seen in a very long time.


All currently uploaded audio should be left alone. If the uploader wanted their audio to not be used anywhere else, they would have just set it to private right there and then. Not to mention, many of these audios being privated may not go public again, as that their uploaders have quit, been banned, etc. These uploaders already knew that if they were to not set their audio to private, anyone would be able to use them, and they were OKAY with that. The update takes that philosophy and turns it on its head.


Normally I’d stay out of threads like this, however this time I need to rant. In order to not flood the entire next 1000 pixels of your screen, I’ll first summarize my point and then you can choose to read the full version if you want.

TL;DR: This update is terrible, and does not give a damn to Roblox developers on the platform. Roblox is becoming EA (or Valve, take your pick) and I do not want to see where it’s headed next with its corporate hypocrisy.

Extended rant for those who have a soul enough to read it

This statement in itself is completely and utterly flawed; by caring more about larger content creators such as musicians, Roblox is moving away from its title as the “imagination platform” by restricting said imagination. Roblox’s current audio library (and I mean both UGC and Roblox’s partnership with APM/Monstercat/etc.) is a core part of many Roblox developers, no matter their size. I’ll just name a few of them here to provide some examples of which games are going to be completely destroyed thanks to this absolute crapshoot of a change:

This change harms so many people on the platform. Roblox says that it cares about us, but they don’t, as clearly shown here. You are ruining the lives of thousands, possibly millions of Roblox game developers. Regardless of if they get money from their projects or not, it still impacts everyone terribly. Those who blindly play the games others have made may not be affected by this if the developers are just barely fast enough to make the switch, but as for me, I’m going to start looking into other game platforms.

Fix your s&!#, Roblox. You’re better than this; I know it. And I don’t care that you’re offering free audio uploads, this is still a terrible change despite that.


What about people with tons of public audio? Are they gonna have to go back and make their audio public again one by one? This update needs to be changed in some way before being pushed out.


I ran out of likes, so here, have a “thank you”.

I fully agree. I’m thinking of leaving too. I’d rather leave Roblox behind as a good memory than try and live through a nightmare.


This update is genuinely terrible.

The fact that old audios are going to be force privated when they were originally uploaded with the ability to be used in any game is maddening. There are so many games that I’ve worked on that use the FREE audio for music, character sounds, cars, waterfalls, etc. But now that’s all being privated for no valid reason. And to think that there may be a chance for OTHER types of assets forcibly turning private in the future suddenly as well is also quite stupid. I can think of so many games off the top of my head that would be utterly wrecked by this update and any furthering of it towards other asset types.

Change this.


They will have to make their audio’s public again.

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