[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

but for developers who use the toolbox for audios/upload, their own are going to have to struggle with reuploading all those audios.

I know a friend who has to reupload’d say around 90% of audios in their game besides footsteps and he is using a lot of audios lol.

You only say this update is amazing because you make your own audio and you have it all saved in a folder. Uploading to Roblox isn’t really an issue for you, For others though its a massive one.

Exactly, and they’ve totally expected this. Now they wont even listen to us. I really think the 3.4k replies here should’ve raised a red flag in the Roblox HQ that they’re doing something wrong and have made a massive mistake… but mannn, still nothing.
We’ll probably just have to cope untill this "Long Term Solution to making audios public" is out after March22 [ i bet you it will never come out considering the state of roblox themselves ]

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To be real with you, yes it’s amazing for those developers who can finally upload free audio. BUT, I’m actually talking from everybody’s POV. So yeah, but good luck on your music though bro!

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thanks, i will use it, however, its still bad that i cant downloda all audios i need, because some of them are from toolbox, roblox might count it as stealing, or it will not work at all

i don’t think it’s a good update, and more than 1k people thinks so

Oh, absolutely. 3.4k likes in 2 days! How amazing threats Roblox is getting from their own platform’s developers! Haha, great job on making your own people turn against you…


3.4k replies and not a single one from Roblox themselves.

Starting to lose hope here, Gonna be honest.


For those who are worried about sound I really recommend to check out www.strofe.com

It’s a music generator that you can use for your games check the post out here.

Obviously this is for game music but you can always suggest to add sound effects.

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Worst update ever. This update is going to ruin alot of games.


Yeah, we all know. Roblox isn’t doing this willingly, they are doing this because of legal issues.

  1. I’m glad this one is brought up, but sadly how will this affect teams uploading assets?

For example, if somebody actually would reach the certain given limit of uploads of soundtracks for free per month, will a team’s friend be allowed to bypass the limit that has been given?

  1. “A random game”, By @AnonymousUser.
    Will there be a way so you can share the music to some creators, or will they need the sound to upload the music again? (I’m only applying that there will be Public and Private audios, but would there be a third option so a selected amount of users/groups would be allowed to use their audios to their games?

I’m sorry in case this was mentioned in the post, I’m not good at reading stuff thoroughly.

There are going to be a lot of models without sound now. This is an amazing update.


Can you make it so my scripts will still work but they just won’t play the sound that is not mine?And what is with the 6 seconds limit can’t it be 10 seconds and also your audio discovery plugin selects one audio at a time if its the same audio in diffrent models i gotta select each one at the time!

This is a horrible idea,
You are forcing people to make their own audios?
I myself don’t know how to make music / audios and i am now forced to make my own?


If users did not want their audio used in other peoples’ experiences, they would just set it to Off Sale, right?

This is most likely related to the lawsuit, hiding evidence and dealing with the problem (horribly, but still).


just check all of the sounds that has been uploaded, remove the bad ones other than removing ALL of them please (imo)

No, you are free to put audio of a videogame OST, free copyrighted audios, etc, make sure copyright is not violated.

players dancing over roblox sfx with their boombox:

(this is not a meme, this is just to show how boomboxes will become useless)


I dont think they care enough, unless we are talking about really big developers.

Well, it updated now after uploading 5 audios.

Not sure how thats supposed to work, but Ill take 20 free audios I guess

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