[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

My opinion of this is pretty much the same as mostly everyone else so I’ma just say it:
Please don’t.
Pretty much the vast majority of this thread disagree with this change, nobody likes to tediously reupload and update their game to use the reuploaded audio just because of this update


I think it’s a brilliant step in the right direction that audio uploads are going to be free from now on; this is very developer-friendly. However, I can’t say that I’m a fan of making all audio less than 6 seconds in length private? I anticipate a lot of games going “silent” following this if the creators are inactive - albeit not absolutely game-breaking though in most instances.

RIP to all the developers who have to sift through huge amounts of audios in their game(s) and find/upload appropriate replacements.

For those Unaware of what is going on, the ROBLOX developer community (and partially the normal Community) is going insane from one update, here’s why.

Now In General, this updated is fine and is pretty good, they are making a privacy system for audios, which, good for them.

But then you get to a certain part of this post.

That’s the straw that broke the Camel’s back for the ROBLOX community. While you may say “well, reupload them then.” There is a thing that just slows this process down by a lot depending on multiple factors:
You have a Verified ID
Your game isnt owned by a group.
What annoys the community is that you have to rely on giving your ID to a company, not only that, but if you don’t, you’re stuck with TEN uploads per month, granted, they are free, but there’s no way to upload more audios after you’ve reached your limit besides waiting a month for your uses.

Hi, thanks for the reply. I’d like you to be aware that my status as a former Accelerator has nothing to do with how I look at this update and I will criticise Roblox where I feel is necessary. In this case I’m speaking for myself and how I view this update.

I am personally very happy to be getting access to more professional sound libraries without needing to break my back financing the licensing for each of these as the licensing process for most is an arduous process complete with a full application I don’t have the credentials to fill out. That being said, although I haven’t stated it, after further review I do recognise this will affect a large swath of experiences including my own since Roblox is retroactively privating formerly free audio over a certain threshold.

This is a breaking change for me too but I don’t have the capacity to speak about matters I don’t have a full grasp on and I don’t want to start off unnecessarily outraged about an update since that doesn’t lead to good discourse. There are others who have provided significantly better feedback opposing this update that you can support and hope for a change in the roll-out process.

So in short: I’m happy to get more access to professional libraries and this is what my post focuses on. I don’t want to make a response acting as if I know what’s good or bad and be a spokesperson for anyone more than myself.

Please don’t use my status as a former contractor with Roblox to be dismissive of my opinion, you can disagree with it without bringing my person into it. Thanks!


I’d say this is definitely a new record for the amount of protest the Roblox Developer Community has put towards a change Roblox has made.


This is honestly a bad update.


“This topic will close 4 months after the last reply.”

Boy o boy is this gonna last a while.


If Roblox can give developers to bump the limit that would be nice. Currently have to reupload 6 audio files and in addition, need to add in SFX into my game. Please also note, I can only upload 10 audio files a month. My game depends on SFX because of it being a horror game, and without those key features of suspense and eerieness, my game will miss the target.


I’m positive that’s just a little illegal.


Why do I get 2,000 uploads per Month?


The last time there was a major protest was the new materials thing. However, this easily beats that record, as the new materials hit about 1550 replies in 19 hours, and this is at 1780 replies.

Imagine if there was no cooldown; we’d easily be at 5000 replies.


I paid for music pass in some games… When I see that I feel ripped off! If you do this then REFUND the music pass purchased!!! We will no longer be able to use ID music so players must be REFUNDED!

If roblox spent this amount of time adding new features that benefit development it prove useful. Although it might be surreal, I would like to see the animation editor with the ability to have more than 1 character. In my opinion this is self-sabotage.

This is illegal. You will get in big trouble if you do this. Don’t suggest this to anyone.

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This is the biggest protest from Roblox developers ever. Almost 2,000 posts, wow. (including ones that were deleted)


This is hilarious. This update had all the chances to be truly beneficial and yet somehow it’s managed to screw over the entirety of the ROBLOX Community. Let’s talk about some of the reasons:

  1. You are not allowed to use audios uploaded to your person account on groups you are a developer in. This is absolutely ridiculous. No matter how much you want to use the audios THAT YOU YOURSELF OWN you are unable to simply because it’s a group. Despite being the one who is making the game, it doesn’t matter. You can’t do anything about it.

  2. Easy bypass? Let’s think about this, you can only upload 6 second clips. Surely if you get an entire song and split it up into 6 second parts you are still able to use the entire song and bypass the “automated copyright system” in place?

  3. Another way of messing with those who wish to maintain cyber-secure. This is a big factor, people who are not comfortable sharing their identity to massive corporations are once again being messed around with. People who want to protect their own identity online are slowly becoming more and more unable to… Ridiculous.

  4. Indefinite privatization. ROBLOX have said that after the 22nd of March all audios will remain private indefinitely until they choose to re-enable it. How is this allowed? Not only are they inconveniencing literally everyone on the platform by forcing them to have to go through every audio and unprivate anything they don’t want privated but now they have to wait for ROBLOX to decide what they want to do. My question is - if they don’t know what they are going to do then why are they releasing this so soon in the first place?

I get that this isn’t entirely ROBLOX’s choice and they’re trying to follow copyright laws but there are still certain aspects they have control over and with that, they decide to hurt every single developer there is.


I can’t DevEx and I’m not ID Verified, but I have 2000 audios per month. Why is that? And no, I’m not a pOpUlAr dEvEloPeR either.


some say it’s visits based, check your visits

I just can’t imagine roblox staff that this might be a good update.


I can’t DevEx and I’m not ID Verified, but I have 2000 audios per month. Why is that? And no, I’m not a pOpUlAr dEvEloPeR either.

Apart from what you said, the criteria is also very forceful against certain people (as @Awo_kein mentioned in his very well put points).

I might end up sending an ID just to extend this cap by 90, even though in certain angles of the community I recognize that I am known, despite being a nobody out of context.
The criteria doesn’t necessarily study you in depth, unlike DevEx, then again there’s a big difference between DevEx and an upload cap extension.

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