[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

How much of that music was legit? Or was it all royalty free music? If not, you had no right to use it in the first place.

This is a joke, right?

You’re using the free audio thing as hope that it will make more people support you.
But what about the old games? Not only that, what about the new games with HUNDREDS of audios? The free audio is not even a TINY bit of compensation. I’d take paying hundreds of ROBUX for audios than to have ya’ll ruin 90% of all games and scam a lot of gamepass buyers. Please revert this!


oh okay. i just saw kreekcrafts video and i got triggered.

Not everyone can do that because of parents or not having a passport of some form of ID.

Alot of big developers are saying this is a bad update aswell not just small developers.

I dont get how your saying this is a good update i respect your opinion but like MOST GAMES WILL BE SILENT IN 2 WEEKS


This update reminds me of when YouTube removed the dislike counter last year — it received extreme backlash, but YouTube still went through with it.

Now it’s 2022 and Roblox is making all audios private — it’s receiving the most backlash I have ever seen from a Roblox update, but of course, they will most likely go through with this one.


This is good in a way, because people won’t copy your sounds that you made

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If they do go through with it, I hope they’re ready to lose a lot of talented developers and audio-reliant players.


but uploading is free…? i dont get what you’re saying, could you elaborate?

How delusional are you? “Those saying this is a terrible update don’t just develop they probably also play games.” I personally have to reupload hundreds of songs and sound effects, I know multiple people who can’t id verify who basically have to shut their game down since they can only upload TEN SONGS A MONTH to replace ALL of their music and sound effects (hint! it’s more than 10!), and all the new roblox audio that Roblox is praising highly here is not available until BY March 22nd, so it’s not like we can replace them all right now anyways with stock music, not to mention the NON EXISTENT search system to find these (someone already mentioned typing “engine” pulls up a ton of random songs that have nothing to do with sound effects). It’s not like you can make your audios public either, Roblox says in this post that they do not know when we will be allowed to republicize our audio.


While this is true, they will probably add a bigger threshold in the future.

Yes! I am aware, but lots of bigger developers use their own audios too, I am sure after a given of time everyone will be settled to their new reuploaded audios.

Not super true, a lot of developers already use their own audios! 50/50 Update

what stops you from making a bunch of alts and uploading 6 second segments of a song and playing them together back to back? i mean it probably would take a while to load but isn’t there api to preload them?

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Plus, I think people have mentioned if these audios have events and such, the events wont even fire effectively breaking scripts since the id will be private.


It’s not a 50/50 update when you got both big developers from big studios to small developers who don’t see this as a “win-win” as this UPDATE will silence every single game! Even older games. I do see big developers using their OWN audio but they also have to replace it before this update. Which is not even a 50/50 update, it’s even ONE OF THE WORSE UPDATES that I have seen and the fact that I have to replace my audio in-game by removing them is not good and replace it, with nothing.


I do agree, I worded that incorrectly and will now go fix that, although I am sure for the first month or so they will most likely raise the upload threshold for everyone to reupload their audios. Like they said sound effects less then 6 seconds will be fine, unless I misread.

Older games may be harshly hit (and horror games) by this update but Roblox was likely forced to make this update from the copyright issues they are getting. I don’t believe that every game will be silenced as older games didn’t have much of an audio library to choose from then so may have had to upload their own audios.

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What are you talking about? From the past the audio library was so good. Until Roblox does not know how search engine works…

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I’m cool with the free audio, but it’s a hard cap; so there’s no option to pay Robux after passing the audio limit. Obviously this only really affects accounts that aren’t ID verified, but it shouldn’t be hard-capped.


For me, the biggest problem with this update is the 6 second limit. If it was 20-25 seconds, I wouldn’t need to update anything. (except replace a couple songs in my playlist which was already largely Roblox uploads)

The 6 second limit is requiring me to replace 10 to 15 audios and sound id’s in many scripts(lot of work really and not so much time to get in place.)

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I realized that afterwards, deleted after i saw it. I’m sorry

Unreal Enginne Looks much better


Time I threw my hat into the ring

I normally use the dev forum for information on roblox critical stuff. But this update really, set me off.
It hurts everyone, Roblox themselves too
Small devs are hurt the most however. They don’t know how to make audio which sounds GOOD or DECENT. Some do it out of passion like myself, others do it for fame, others just wanna learn. Whatever the reason, all groups of small devs are hurt by the fact they can’t use some simple sound effects, such as Viethin Guns, or simple custom guns which use premade sounds.

Big devs are still effected by this, having to import 100s to 1000s to possibly 10000s of audio files to groups. Or to a single account which May I add. Roblox bans that one account and all their sounds break and they lose the public game.

Many users lack the sound files they used too.
The update has gotten so bad their stock is literally dropping.
The update isn’t good. It’s not a 50/50, it’s a 95/5
Roblox hurts itself doing this. As a community, as a company. It’s just gonna harm it’s own (shattered) rep from doing this.

I seen games go wrong, I seen what happened to similar games which went down a similar path.
They ended up offline and dead.
I fear a similar fate may happen to Roblox, over a much longer length of time.