Action Required: MeshPart Heads & Accessories (May 27th)

Sorry, there’s been some internal delays.

We will change the “Default” value to be the same as “Enabled” tomorrow (5/27).

We’re aware of a few small issues with specific accessories and are quickly working to resolve them.

If you do not want MeshPart Heads & Accessories in your game at this time, it is important you change Workspace.MeshPartHeadsAndAccessories to be Disabled before tomorrow.


Default is now Enabled!

Please post in this thread if you run into any related issues and we will work to fix them quickly.

If you find a significant issue with your game, please be sure to set Workspace.MeshPartHeadsAndAccessories to Disabled, until the issue can be resolved.


This change breaks my rbad as it removes the mesh so results in infinite yield :frowning:

Infinite yield possible on 'Workspace.The_Potato97.RbadamTophat.Handle:WaitForChild(“Mesh”)

Any update on this? The crimson claw and various other ‘legacy’ packages haven’t had their heads turned into actual head parts yet. These packages aren’t able to wear things like tophats properly, so it would be really nice to have them converted.

Been living under a rock for a while so I didn’t exactly prepare ahead of time.

My game overwrites the player’s HumanoidDescription with a custom character model I have created — I separate each body part into it’s own model, and set the description’s Head/LeftArm etc… properties to the corresponding model ids. My issues is that with this update, I can’t seem to get the heads working.

I have tried uploading the head under an ‘R15ArtistIntent’ folder, (Which is the same as I do for the other body parts), but for some reason this doesn’t seem to work, uploading just the headmesh part doesn’t work either and nor does just uploading a specialmesh version of the head (When inserting heads created by Roblox using InsertService, only a special mesh is inserted). It just reverts back to the default head mesh.

For the time being I have disabled Workspace.MeshPartHeadsAndAccessories which allows me to use the custom head (even as a mesh part).

Basically I’m just wondering on how I should upload a custom head that will work with HumanoidDescriptions with this update.

We’re aware of this issue and hope to fix it soon. We’ll need to rework how the scripts work a little bit.


We have a good idea on how to get HumanoidDescription with Model asset IDs working properly again. For the time being, you’ll want to keep Workspace.MeshPartHeadsAndAccessories disabled.

I will post in this thread when the fix is live.


This update appears to completely disable the ability for custom assets to be loaded via HumanoidDescriptions. When trying to do so, the following error now appears:

‘Humanoid::ApplyDescription() Some requested assets were not available’

Is this meant to be intentional? This unannounced change has been really disruptive for my own games (until realising it was related to this update), and I imagine for many others as outlined by the responses in this thread.

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We have a fix in the works, but it will take some time to release. In the meantime, you should set Workspace.MeshPartHeadsAndAccessories to Disabled if that issue impacts your game.

	-- Function for when the player gets a new character
	function newCharacter(character)
		print("New Character")
		-- Function for when the character's head hits something
		function hitCheckpoint(part)
			print("Checkpoint Touched")
			-- If the part the character hit is the next checkpoint
			if part == nextCheckpoint then

				-- Get the next checkpoint the player wants to hit
				checkpointNumber = checkpointNumber + 1
				nextCheckpoint = checkpointList[checkpointNumber]
				changeColorEvent:FireClient (player, nextCheckpoint,,1,0))
				-- Start the race if it's the first checkpoint
				if part == firstCheckpoint then
					player:FindFirstChild('racing').Value = true




This code worked with the old Meshed Part heads but it doesn’t work with the MeshPart heads. The Touched event doesn’t fire for the MeshPart.

MeshPart heads all have CanCollide disabled as of recently; is this intentional? This has been causing a few issues for me.

Yes, this is intentional.

MeshParts have collision geometry that matches their visual appearance. Previously, heads were roughly 2x1x1 (with humanoid scaling applied). The increased size could make certain bundles much taller than they were previously and we wanted to avoid compatibility issues with existing games.

If you’d like to re-enable head collisions, you can simply set character.Head.CanCollide = true after the character spawns. We no longer set the Head’s CanCollide property every frame.

Would you be able to explain the issues you ran into so we can better understand your use case?


Some issues I’ve ran into:

  1. Since head collisions are off, if the player is able to clip their head through a part (e.g. a ceiling), they can also clip their camera through said part and look through it.
    • In my game, the character rotates with the camera, and in first-person the camera position follows the head, meaning that if the character simply looks down they can clip their head into any wall and see through it.
  1. Apparently if Humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath is true then the head automatically gets collisions re-enabled when you die, but not if it’s false. I had it set to false in my game, but I still had to manually break the neck joint, meaning that when you die the head would fall through the entire map instead of just landing on the ground.

  2. Having head collisions off also seems to make the character slightly less buoyant in terrain water.


I have noticed as a player that since the update it seems that hats fall apart just like the player as well. Before the update they just fell through the baseplate or map. Is this intentional?

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Are there any plans to set the accessory mesh parts RenderFidelty to Automatic? I think it’d do good for performance.

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I thought I would mention that this unintentionally broke a lot of scripts, especially nametag scripts. By using mesh parts, the head is loaded in twice because of how R15 works. When using nametags and parenting them to the head before the character fully loads, they are replaced when the new head mesh is added and the nametag is deleted in the old head part.

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Hey, will materials affect the way heads look eventually? Currently, the most they do is change how metal and rough the heads are, which is annoying. Could this behavior be changed eventually? (keep normal plastic excluded pls)

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What I find odd is that even though this is now default, the rig builder plugin in studio still uses normal parts with mesh rather than a meshpart for the head?

When will the change also occur for the rig builder?

(Ignore the weird lighting, was testing some things) :flushed:


I still have parts with SpecialMeshes on all three settings, is this feature disabled or something?

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This sadly only works with R15 for now.