Add a place to put our pronouns and enforce use of proper pronouns

Hello! Gender pronouns are a very important thing in the year 2021 and I feel as if they are being overlooked on the devforum, creating a negative environment for transgender and non-binary developers. I am suggesting we either add a little box next to our username that lets us have our gender pronouns in it OR have a automatic signature at the end of every post with gender pronouns.

But what if someone doesn’t use the proper pronouns? then they just created a potentially uncomfortable environment! I am suggesting the first two offences of using the wrong pronouns to result in a reminder/warning and anything beyond that will result in a short ban. This will greatly improve the experience of non-binary and transgender people.

Does anyone else have any ideas on how we can improve the devforum for marginalized groups?



By not including this. It will just cause controversy, and if someone knows your preferred pronoun that person might call you the wrong one intentionally. So this would be abused.

You should be defaulting to “they” nowadays – avatar only by a bit decides what you are, only a bit, and personality a bit as well. If you really wanted this, just put it as the first thing in your bio, so that when someone clicks on your card the first thing is your preffered pronoun.

I also disagree with punishing users – in some languages, including Spanish, objects have “genders” as well, so there might be confusion. Spanish has no concept of gender neutrality as far as I know, haven’t really studied my own native language.


Feel free to do that – just not sure it really needs a dedicated place. “They” is neutral.


I agree with everything else you’ve ever said that I’ve known you, but this argument is the same to me as the one where “I don’t use my blinker unless I have to because people will see it and intentionally block your merge”
Sure it happens, but the bad happens far less often than the good.

The industry standard should just be ‘They’. And it should be a cultural standard. I’ve seen too many pronouns and too many people getting offended and too many things to keep track of. ‘They’ is something that requires no prior communication to properly use and makes no assumption.


I highly doubt many people would intentionally misgender people, i wouldn’t.

I know some people in real life who strictly go by he/him and he would be offended if he was called a “they”.

You’re relying on people to actually go check your pronouns before actually just using the dev forum regularly, I don’t see this happening for a lot of reasons. And the warning system? Really? Short-banning users after 2 warnings because THEY have to go find out what you choose to identify as?


People get offended if you use too much mayonnaise on your own personal sandwich. Welcome to the world as we know it. I opt to use the word that offends the least with minimal effort.

Man I love how fast this kind of thread derails.


I am suggesting there should be the pronouns right next to your username. it really isnt that hard to look a inch to the right of the username

No. That’s not at all what I meant. I highly suggest looking at GitHub’s forum. I feel tricked by this thread. I don’t really support it like this.

Then go suggest this to Discourse? This forum isn’t the place to suggest that. I don’t see it happening, as it would really mess with the user experience.

I think that having pronouns visible is something that would be quite useful and inclusive; however treating an accidental incorrect usage of a pronoun as a rule violation seems to be extreme.


No. Use “they”. It is a generic pronoun and nobody has any business being offended by it.
We don’t need to drag needless gender politics into the forum, that is not the purpose of this place, and putting this information front and center adds clutter to the interface and detracts from that purpose. You can use your bio if you like, but don’t go expecting people to check before they refer to you existing. “They” should be the preference.

If there is evidence of someone knowingly and maliciously harassing somebody by using the incorrect pronouns against all reasonable doubt of it being accidental, take it up with DET because that falls under the rules of the forum as harassment.


perhaps banning was a tad to much? i still think giving out warnings/reminders is a good idea though. but after so many reminders/warnings it becomes clear a person might be doing it intentionally.

Back when post-approval was a thing, that would really mess up people getting ranked up to Regular.

I don’t mean to offend anyone in this post so please keep that in mind when responding

I personally am against this. I think it might be too distracting from the actual topics and just start drama when someone accidentally misgenders someone. If it happens to me, I just send them a polite DM about it. Unfortunately tho, we can’t count on others to be like that.

This also might be grounds for some people to be horrible male body parts and harass others just because their views don’t line up with the world.

Let’s keep this a forum dedicated to development and not try to bring in any more reasons for drama.


I am not against LGBTQ+, this is just my opinion. If you are offended, please say so. Communication is the key to understanding.

I am not on board with this one. Although, i agree using proper pronouns. First of all, this is a lego game. The avatars doesn’t have any genders. Yes, sometimes avatars wear gender-specific clothes, but they don’t have any genitals. Also, i don’t agree with;

For just using the incorrect pronouns?! That is just a tad bit absurd. If i were to call the person “he” instead of “they”, i’ll receive a warning and a ban? Sounds ridiculous.

And, i agree with;

A drama is the last thing the developing community needs.


I’d say, just use they/them pronouns in general, I think they are accepted for all genders. As an non-binary developer myself I would also really want this to be added.


I use “they” 99% of the time to refer to other people on the internet, and I am a “he”, but if someone called me “she” I really wouldn’t give a crap.

I just don’t understand, I guess, what the matter is with possibly using an incorrect pronoun. The person can correct them, not that awkward.

Also a punishment is quite extreme.


Objectively, pronouns should not be placed in front of development, because that is an issue and a controversy. The main goal of the forum is not to identify but supporting developers regardless of bias or any discrimination. Try to indiscriminate users instead and use any generic term that is “neutral”.


Your profile works. The blurb has a preview when you click someone’s name, so mentioning there should work.

I’ll be a smidge more on the blunt side when I say this, but I honestly think some method of explicitly mentioning it beyond your profile blurb is not proper. As far as titles go for development, seeing “He/him” or whatever it may be where something like “Programmer” would normally go is worse than useless. This is a development forum. Whether you identify as x or y means nothing to me if I’m trying to see your development capabilities. Suzy can be just as good a programmer as Joey, so the fact that suzy goes by “he” and Joey as “she” is not relevant to me. If I want to know, Ill go to their profile blurb.

I will say now that even though I try, I fail to understand the significance of an accidental one-time misidentification. People have called me a girl from my profile pic outside of Roblox, and I know that identifying someone can often be a coin toss at best. Now I refuse to use my experience as a reason to object to this change, considering how shortsighted of me that is. My point is that the evident worry of that first time misidentification seems to be so incredibly rare that I can’t justify a change like this.

If people misidentifying you is a problem - that is, they purposely do it beyond some hypothetical first accidental term - then thats something to take to moderation.