Add local chat filtering & Better chat filter information

As a Roblox player, it is currently difficult to easily communicate with other users in-game because the chat filter unexpectedly filters things which don’t make sense to filter, and because there is no good way for the user to know what is being filtered when they type, it often leads to the user needing to type the same thing multiple times just to get their message across.

Effectively, what I am asking for is for Roblox to add a local chat filter that we can use without making a server call, which would enable better chat mechanics. Additionally, if this were implemented, it would be nice if Roblox could utilize this local chat filter to show better chat filter information to users in chat.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I could implement a better chat system which highlights the text which would be filtered when the player presses enter, before they send the message to the server. This chat system would look as follows:

Notice how any filtered text shows up as red before the user actually sends the message. (The User4 message is to show how that message would look if they sent the chat anyways.)

Additionally, making a local filter like this would enable me to make types of game which rely on users leaving some sort of extensive note behind after something happens in the game, and with how the current chat filter works, this is just impossible to make in a user-friendly / fun way.


Your request doesn’t make much sense as filtering is done on 3rd party servers by Community Sift through a neural network. This is not accomplishable in any reasonable way, unless you are ready to store multiple gigabytes of data and update it on an hourly basis.

This is already feasible as you said. Invoke the server when the message is sent and make it return the filtered result if it isn’t equal to the original.