As a Roblox developer, it is currently annoying to work with projections using ViewportFrames because very often fog glitches them.
In my case, I am trying to create a boreal aurora effect using a ViewportFrame projection. However, my game is heavily dependant on fog, and this is ruinning the effect.
Despite the fog having no way to reach the effect due to how high in the sky it is, it still somehow does. I cannot alter the color or material texture at all because of the fog.
I have fog set at 1000, and my projection is set at 5000 studs away from the world center. However, it is in the sky and, therefore, shouldn’t be affected by the fog:
The color of the part is set by the color of the fog.
This can be seen in this place, using as the example the 3D Skybox script made by @ITBV: Fog ViewportFrame Repro.rbxl (41.2 KB)
In this place, there are two city unions being projected towards a far distance. One being on top of the user, in the sky, flipped upside-down.
You can see that both cities have a concrete material and persimmon color.
However, when lowering the fog distance, both cities lose their material and color, including the one that shouldn’t be affected by fog (the one in the sky).
This is a big upside-down of ViewportFrames and their use for games with fog enabled.
Something as simple as the ability to toggle whether or not the ViewportFrame is affected by fog would fix my issue.
Would love to have this implemented at some point. It’d be a really good addition, and would allow me to create the boreal effect and much more even with fog.