Adding a Texture loads out parts without textures

You’ll notice that adding a texture to a part in studio will load out parts without textures once you go away from it. This bugs started happening about a month ago. My studio graphics quality level is at 21. This bug also occurs in-game as well.

Steps to reproduce:
Adda texture to a part, and do not add a texture to the overlapping part such as:

Here’s a video which should do a better job explaining the bug.

I’m not 100% sure if this is a bug, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. :+1:

This is a duplicate of any of the many threads about texture z-sorting being imperfect. The issue is the texture on the middle rectangular part is sorted incorrectly and covers up the parts that are in front of it.

You can see they still exist as evident by the black pixels on top of the wall here:


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Sorry, didn’t see your post when I tried searching for the bug.

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi, I was wondering if there’s any update on this since it’s been about 2 months.


TL;DR: Not a bug - but generally expected limitation of the system. Could be improved, but would require very complicated changes to the system, not likely to happen soon.

Explanation in detail:

The issue that you are experiencing is called z-fighting: two parallel, but not identical, polygons at same (or very similar) distance will generate non-identical depth buffer values in each pixel so they will sort wrong.
What happens here in particular is that the Texture renders on top of its parent part. In order to prevent z-fighting of the Texture with its own parent part, we apply what is known as “depth-bias”: the polygon rendered on top is “moved a bit towards the camera”.
So, when you put another part that is also near-parallel, then that Texture will render a bit over this other part, due to numeric imprecision. As you go further away, the imprecision increases thus the problem is more likely to occur.
There’s nothing much that can be done to fix this in general unless we were to completely change how Textures work, which will probably not happen in the near future.

One workaround that would function, but may be not applicable for you, or too complicated, would be to use a mesh part for the entire thing. Alternatively, make the overlaid part a bit thicker, which will push the problem a bit further away.


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