AIB🤖 VERSION ✌️ (v2.4.1 PLUGIN⛏️) AI Chat Bot [⏬70+]

i dont need to tell you when you already can see it up

now tell me what features you have that doesn’t 100% rely on chatgpt.

you dont see the word PLUGIN?

cant see the point of using this when you can use smth else for free, even the fact that the OP doesn’t take suggestions

quit the arguring

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Man, please. We get everyone is trying to hop on the AI train. But just don’t.

At this point all your plugin is, is just making an HTTP request and executing code it found.


Not technically a lie; it in fact is not ChatGPT, but OpenAI’s text-davinci-003 model. Pretty sure it’s the model that ChatGPT uses, but it is not ChatGPT nonetheless. It’s the API version.

@WHYI_MFAT is passionate about this project, so let them I guess. Don’t “need” to use the resource. Though it’s not very good (at all), it’s still a resource that’s out there- kinda :person_shrugging:

Let them figure this out themself I guess. They’ll learn that it has so much work that it’s not worth developing anymore…

Nope, text-davinci-003 is a dumber version of GPT-3. You can apply for the GPT-3 API though.

You know what?
AND IT ACTUALLY USES THE gpt3.5-turbo MODEL and even memory! (planning to add tabs)
. Sorry for the caps, but you are charging users 160robux for what is a essentially http request with their own key, i would understand the price if you used your own api key.

that’s basically a scam.
and the so called “features” you can do in 1sec manually.


he use davinci 003

no, just put some more details instruction to it (if the user are smart he would do it than water money)

you dont even know what “features” is.

160 robux = 2$, i say it 3 times here.

No offense man I am coming on here for the last time. This plugin is beyond useless why?

  1. There is LITERALLY other AI Plugins out there that can be free and have a LITERAL FREE KEY.
  2. Roblox has an AI that is in the Beta Stage it might not be the best so far, but it can definitely do way better than this plugin and even more when the bugs are fixed.
  3. Why do you need all of these on quote Apps when you can rewrite the code again and you can do different types of scripts WAY easier similar to an AI that can tell a story (I don’t know what it is called)

If you can take these suggestions to heart, then this plugin will definitely be better but currently it is just beyond useless no offense.

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by that he means every app in AIB 2, also why do we need to spend 2 USD when everything inside AIB is free

what do you mean?

When will it use GPT 4? Or what are the new features?

and more…
It’s other things it can do that aren’t listed because they aren’t really important

Can you please explain to me how I’m wrong instead of just insulting me?

Nowhere in the post does it state anything about how much you will be paying in API calls.

No, OpenAI API costs money and nowhere do you disclose this, this post is extremely misleading as it implies all you have to pay is the upfront cost when in reality you will be paying a significant amount of USD due to the model you are using.

this is why this is only 2$

you can use it until it cost more money but this is why it cost only 2$