AirStrategy - Writer/Author

About Me

My name is AirStrategy, and I have loved to write literature ever since I was a young child. I started out writing short one-page stories with limited detail in elementary. Now I am pursuing my dream of producing literature.


I will only be showing my best works, but I will provide more upon request.

Soccer/Football Game (High Detail)

I got dressed in a flash, wearing a white-and-blue tight jersey with a chicken-like logo on the top-right corner. The soccer game was my only priority now. My family and I sat in the car without preparing any bags, food, or water. Bringing a bottle of water or two wouldn’t do much, as it would be confiscated by security. While in the car ride, I stressed about making it on time (we were already five minutes late). For 25 minutes, I was staring out the passenger’s window with a skeptical grin that my team was winning. Finally, arriving at the parking lot; we made no major delays as we had no luggage. A small parking lot with new pavement in an overpopulated area is where we set our car.

Walking slower now, knowing that walking faster wouldn’t have served a purpose—my family would still be at the car. I was pacing with excitement, waiting for my family to walk towards the stadium. After waiting a minute or two, the ‘excitement’ turned into ‘exasperation’, primarily due to how we packed no bags. Ultimately, we walked into the stadium 20 minutes late. Before I could check the score we had to go through security and navigate our route to our seats. Our seats were all the way in the top-back, wasting more time to find our seats and essentially view the score. Once we had found the route to our seats, I was able to view the score.

No one scored a goal yet, but there were a few shots on target. My team was losing in terms of possession and shot accuracy, but those two factors cannot compare to scoring a goal. The goalkeepers looked more tense than usual—almost like their career was at risk. There were shots on target, but the goalkeepers blocked them all. Goalkeepers didn’t have to dive, the shots came right in their direction. The game wasn’t as interesting as anticipated. In my preference, a shot on target that hit a corner of the net, although a goalkeeper saving it is better than an ordinary goal. I kept my eyes peeled onto the game, but I really was not interested.

A yellow card was handed out to a player from the opposing team, but that wouldn’t grab my attention too. Finally, a goal was scored in the 88th minute, out of 90 minutes. Admittingly, the goal was amazing and hit a corner where the goalkeeper couldn’t reach; although the opposing team scored. The referee added eight minutes to total up a game with 98 minutes. The goal got me staring at the field like a hawk, and I was finally able to mentally visualize a heat map of action. Most of the action was around the midfield area, although nothing near the goals were interesting (other than that one goal). The defenders on both teams didn’t contribute too much.

The referee blew the whistle to end the match. A horrendous game from us, especially how we were playing in our home-ground. A 1-0 defeat isn’t too bad, even in home-ground boundaries, but our team wasn’t playing well. The reason we didn’t lose by an abnormally large margin was because the other team wasn’t playing well either. Most faces weren’t too cheerful now, because our team was playing at home (thus having most supporters). My face was expressionless, I really didn’t give too much interest.

Madagascar Storm (Medium Detail)

It was a stormy night for the island of Madagascar. Luckily those in the castle were safe. There was one castle in Madagascar where all the wealthy inhabited; dancing, racing, singing, and other sports were taken place in the castle. To prepare for the storm, the wealthy inhabitants decided to seek safety in their rooms. Each room was a decent size, had a fireplace, a tiny television from the 1980s, and a queen bed with elegant lighting and windows. The rooms themselves were similar to a dorm from Harry Potter in terms of size and color.

One of the wealthy Madagascar citizens decided to watch on the television. He was watching an old Arabic show from the 1980s. “Snap” went the lights; prior to this, the television. Nothing else was there for him to do—sleep was not an option unless he could sleep with trombones blowing in his ear. After a moment of silence a sudden “Dun Dun Dun” was noticed. The thunder was louder than a judge continuously smashing their hammer. Due to the recent events, this one decided to worry about the other two brothers.

The next wealthy Madagascar citizens was getting a good-night sleep. All the sounds by the storm didn’t wake him up, until Zeus decided to throw down his lighting bolt on the castle. Zeus’ lightning bolt didn’t hit his specific room, it instead hit the far left-corner of the cone-shaped roof—would’ve made someone feel bad since it didn’t hit the ground. Taking some time to think of what to do, he ultimately decided to solve complex pre-calculus problems.

The last wealthy Madagascar citizens decided to hibernate at the lounge. The lounge had classic-tile floors with extravagant decorations all around. ‘Lounge had numerous decorations including abstract art painted on reinforced grid-paper, transparent-plastic cups, and a reflective clock that uses Roman numerals. Primarily making the walls of the lounge was glass, therefore leaving the Lounge vulnerable to natural disasters. A lighting bolt struck the lounge, and this inhabitant was rushed to the hospital.

Trolls Vs. Ogres (Low Detail)

Trolls and ogres never got along together. Their similarities led to their major antagonism. Like a magnet with the same charge would repel, these two creatures with similarities would repel. The antagonism didn’t bother them at first, but a major recession between both tribes was concurrent—the tribes were interdependent. Each tribe would refuse to compromise, even though their economy was dependent on it.

None of the two brotherly tribes had plans to murder, punish, or restrict the conflictors. The trolls tried to initiate a thoughtful peace treaty. Trolls’ peace treaty proposed the idea of the trolls conquering all the ogres’ land; in return ogres would agree to citizenship under trolls, would have reduced taxes and insurance, and would live life in a safe environment. The trolls were more powerful, by a slightly larger margin. This tribe believed in peace and prosperity over murder and great risk.

A messenger spread the news to the ogres. The general ogre was infuriated and declined this offer. This tribe decided to surprise-ambush the trolls. An army was prepared, and any male ogre above the age of 17 was required to participate. Seven days later, the ogres suffered a major defeat. The trolls did not expect this attack, but still prepared for it. “Aggressively writhing, general ogre was,” claimed a witness of the ambush.

The trolls conquered all the land from the ogres. A cramped reserve was where the majority of the ogres were sent, while the minority either found high-paying jobs or were sentenced to jail. Ogres’ land was used to build the energy sources, reserves and jails. This was a major improvement for the trolls, and they were now prosperous.

Proud Works

Novice guide on starting a team on Roblox
How much should I charge for model like this? - #11 by AirStrategy
My Summary

Cartoon DRAFT (No Detail)

Listen to the sweet sound of ice cream bombs blowing up mid-air, dropping ice cream on everything below it—listen to the candy canes chanting Christmas music—experience it all in The Cartoony Game™. Socialize with friends and enjoy a chilly hangout. Explore the deepest sections of our planet during Christmas. Create your own Christmas-themed story today, in The Cartoony Game™.


I only accept group funds. I will receive the group funds from your group. I also require payment before finishing the project.


Quest Package

Included: description for a quest, badge, challenge, or game-pass

Starting price: R$950

Extra price: R$115/sentence

Detail price: low detail: +0, medium detail: +260, high detail: +485


Game: Darkenmoor

Quest: Lunging to the Light [Unofficial Badge]

Description: Your journey has brought you to your biggest nightmare. The monster is chasing you, your companions, and everyone in this spooky building. You have managed to trap yourself into a room with the spooky monster. (OBJ) Escape the room both you and the monster are in without being noticed.


Included: character dialogue

Starting price: R$950

Extra price: R$115/sentence

Detail price: low detail: +0, medium detail: +260, high detail: +485


Soccer/football commentation

Commentator one: “Oh, oh oh! The striker misses his shot, hitting the post.”

Commentator two: “A real opportunity there, the goalkeeper already got the shot covered though; and that will indeed be a goalkeepers kick.”

Commentator one: “Looks like this soccer club will not be able to recover from their mistake, a blown opportunity depicted clearly.”

Descriptive Setting

Included: extremely descriptive analysis about any in-game or in-story setting

Starting price: R$1,365

Extra price: R$575/paragraph, R$35/sentence with interjection, onomatopoeia, assonance or alliteration

Detail price: high detail: +0


Based off of my favorite, Spring Mountain Home.

A lovely spring morning at the Alps, in a six-story house. This house is now forsaken, without inhabitants or neighbors. The masterpiece allows a fun and new activity everyday. Some of the fun activities include hiking and skiing (during the winter). With such an open space that provides healthy day-to-day activities and fresh air deserves to have some occupation. Makaw, Makaw, is what the birds express daily. An amazing adobe, a tropical transition from the generic city.




  • Low detail: 3-4 lines per paragraph, 5-8 word sentences, unvaried sentence length, minimal usage of figurative language.

  • Medium detail: 5 lines per paragraph, 7-9 word sentences, mildly varied sentence length, frequent usage of figurative language.

  • High detail: 6-8 lines per paragraph, 9+ word sentences, varied sentence length, common usage of parallelism and figurative language.


Mon - Fri: 1h 15m

Sat - Sun: 2h


Discord: Air#1434

Reddit: u/AirRBLX_

Roblox: AirStrategy

Notice: All works, displays and showcases were made 100% by me, Air Strategy.
Notice: All the package-examples displayed are short for the sake of length. The details include the length of sentences, and the detail of sentences.

Any Concerns? Contact me for any questions or concerns.

I hope you consider me as an author/writer, and have a good day! :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Current Status: Open


Its amazing to see new types of contracters on Roblox. Your high detail stories really stick out and are amazing to read. Would iit be possible to get a discount if I was asking you to completly describe everything in my game? Not sure if I have the funds but your story-telling skills would really improve my game.


My prices are not expensive at all. I try to accommodate all budgets. The prices shown will be cheap, and the more experience I gain the higher the prices will be. However, I can give you a 10-15% discount.

If you’re looking for a game analysis, I can definitely give you a discount if you give me more information (i.e. pages and detail).

Pro-tip: I will give provide efficient prices depending on the attitude of the customer and the amount of time I am offered.

For more information, contact me on DevForum DMs or Discord DMs, and thank you for showing interest. :slight_smile:

Yea its true your prices aren’t expensive but its just that our budget didn’t factor in this. Thank you so much for the discount however we aren’t 100% sure if we should hire you- not that we don’t trust you its just that most of Roblox doesn’t want to read alot, and while we will probably see more mature players as a result of hiring you, our game is cartoony and geared towards young children. Just saying, if we were to hire you, you will have all the time you need as our game isn’t set to release for a while, and I would gladly give you more info if you require it. Good luck with your stories, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you were hired very soon, as your storys really are top notch :heart:

For a cartoony game marketed towards kids, I don’t necessarily have to use complex words. It’s definitely something new for me, and I’ll try working on that.

I will work on achieving a style without complex words, but will use varied sentence length, figurative language, and detail. I understand this decision. :slight_smile:

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Ok, can you contact me on the dev forum or just update your portfolio once you have. I’d love to have you onboard our team!

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I like the stories you posted! I take it you enjoy more story driven games then say action driven games?

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Good to see more authors selling their services on here; I don’t see too many.

Quick note:

Wrong ‘their’ in the second sentence (this is the first line in Trolls Vs. Ogres).

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This is something new that I haven’t seen before :open_mouth:

Your service seems very interesting, so good luck finding jobs!

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Interesting, wish the best of luck to you

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I’m sorry I made that typo, I fixed it now. Thank you for reminding me. :slight_smile: