All ROBLOX server locations

Ctrl+Shift+F3 and record the server IP if possible, I never personally seen one

Saint-Denis is a part of Paris.


yea, not having servers in brazil is so sad, brazil has the second biggest community of Roblox, and doesnt got even one server for it

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Brazil has high connection speeds to U.S. servers, so setting up new servers would be a waste of money.

They already promised because we really need it, but we dont get high connection speed, I live at Brazil and the minimum ping I alr got was 180, the most near server is located at Miami, people that live in São Paulo at brazil (the state with most people), is so far from Miami, normally we get 200 ping when the server is really good, fps games and hardcore games like Deepwoken, you have A LOT of disvantage playing againist someone that has 50 or less ping, it wouldn’t be a waste of money, it would be a good investment to the second largest community.


We did get Australian servers as promised, it’s just broken. I found appearing with in some servers. Too bad you can’t connect to and it just make you stuck on the loading screen for minutes and doesn’t actually reduce the ping but adding more than the singapore servers, hopefully it has been fixed

Gladly roblox put you with other brazil players, if everyone have bad ping, then everyone lags

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I think Australia has 2 servers. I’ll add it real quick.

Cant find locations tho.

All those servers and still no Australian servers :woozy_face:

Edit: Apparently there are some Aussie servers :eyes:

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Los angeles server (ID: 358) down (if you use ropro, no los angeles server comes up), Netherland server (232) up
Palo alto server is still up but rare

How would it be a waste of money? Adding servers to brazil would improve ping not only for brazil but for all south america as Pepo said games like deepwoken are basically unplayable for players with 200+ ping and most south american players play at 200-400 ping


thats nice to know, if you guys already got some servers, maybe brazil is the next one since they promised for us like promised for you


sadly this is not how does it work in some games, games like deepwoken are not like that, its crazy because combat games and these type of games we get in USA servers with americans, so it is a lot of disvantage


It looks like the Indian servers are back on, but with a low number of servers available.

Also, do you know where (city or region) is the Australian server? Apparently it will be in Sydney, Canberra or some nearby city according to images from RDC 2022 and Investor Day

(Image from Blox Fruits)


I cant find any Australian servers. Not up yet- but I do see the Indian servers.

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Roblox 9_20_2022 9_40_06 PM (2)

Looks like Australian server just came today.

Also it seem like it also have UDMUX active, which people say has prevented lots of ddos attacks


Nice, that should help my games.

I don’t see Australisn servers yet.

Likely due to UDMUX server, API would respond with 10.xx.xx.xx IPs, making ropro unable to track the location.

Not sure if this is true but apparently they’re only available for the south and west side of Australia

I found this