Allow us to obtain the audio volume data of a sound

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to generate an audio wave for a sound.

I’m requesting this because I require it for an audio effects plugin I’m working on and I want to be able to render the volume wave in a component.

Right now, I can only display it as a single graph and its not 100% reliable since it grabs the volume at 1/60 intervals in a best case scenario, if I had a function that returned all audio points, it would be easier to render the wave, with an EditableImage or etc.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I could render the audio data in my AudioPlayer component.


AudioAnalyzer:GetSpectrum() shows the RMS volume of all the available frequencies. What else would you need?


@bluebxrrybot I think @metatablecatmaid wants volume-over-time data, as opposed to volume-over-frequency data at any one point in time

Unfortunately decoding all of the audio data in an asset can use a huge amount of memory for longer files; we’ve thought about exposing this information incrementally or for smaller windows, but nothing concrete yet.


@ReallyLongArms beat me to it, but basically want something like this

Not this exactly but you get what I mean. (also idk how you’d identify mono from stereo)


I probably dont think I need the whole 44.1khz range since I’m going to being rendering it into 1 500-1000px editable image, but I’ll let you decide what to do here.

Pretty sure a list of volume points that large would exceed Luau’s max table size pretty quickly? (im not sure how that’d work)