[Alpha] Next Gen Studio Update: Custom Tabs

Any future (awesome) updates they have for us next year & beyond… won’t work on the current (soon old) UI. That’s what they have been telling us.

Just like Windows XP & Vista … there is no more support - the same is happening with Studio.
Yeah… we don’t like change … but I am sure it will be much for the better.
I myself will wait for the proper release - current works for me - future looks better.


Very cool Roblox Studio team, very cool

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Completely different framework, completely different language, no point in keeping the old UI.


On a previous thread I got told you guys would deal with the excess space this UI takes compared to the old one but it seems you havent done that

When will that get done???

Okay, I wasn’t too sure about the next gen studio update, but now It isn’t so bad.

i tried to make a screenshot button but what are the actions for it or the doesnt exist?


Its Large

Hello, Good update!

Does that mean the old QT UI will be completely replaced? And does that impact performance and stability?

For the most part, however sone Qt will drive things like the Menu Bar

Probably not, if it would it would be positively from state being tracked a lot better with the new system

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i still dont understand how to make buttons, can someone reply with a example json with

  1. studio-related buttons
  2. plugin buttons
  3. seperators

if you know more
4. dropdown buttons

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This is awesome! I can’t wait to use this!!!

This looks amazing! I find myself jumping through tabs a lot, this should reduce this quite a bit. One question: will plugins be able to create their own ribbon tabs? I’m picturing what plugins with lots of controls like Moon Animator could do with an entire tab.

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While this sounds nice, it’s unreasonable to expect the team to backport all their features to an old UI that uses an entirely different framework from the new one. I agree that the next-gen UI can use a little work, especially when it comes to space usage, but I have faith that it will get better over time, as it is still in beta.

heres a suggestion:

you should make it so that you can toggle the new material picker or the old legacy style material picker

These buttons need to be fixed. If I click on one of the red dots, the button does not activate. If a user clicks on one of those red spots they are 100% intending on pressing the button. The size of the hitbox needs to include the text + padding


they can keep the same UI design but rebrand it with a better backend.

The new UI style looks way better than whatever qtitanribbon stuff studio uses idk why some of you like it so much


From the replies i’ve seen, here:



thank you for this awesome update, time to go make some tabs!! :coefficients:


I hope someday we can have custom properties of an object just like in unreal or unity where we can just write:

local coins = 10

and this variable will be visible in the properties window.

I know we can do this with attributes. But maybe another feature for attributes?
or maybe just add more attribute types like supporting arrays or dictionaries! that will be powerful!

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