Am I gathering data incorrectly in DataStores? [European Data Protection Laws]

Today, I received a message from ROBLOX in my private messages that I have to remove a certain individual from my game’s DataStore which I will do in a second, but why does this happen?

Am I gathering data incorrectly? This is how I normally do so, and the game hasn’t error’ed since then.

local BetaStats = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore(newPlayer.userId.."THEKEY[Beta]")
local PlayerSavedStats = BetaStats:GetAsync("PlayerStats")

The only information I can really gather upon is this link, which is a update in the terms of service in May: Update to Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Community Rules

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The user in question is legally allowed to request the expungement of their data under European law. It’s nothing that really affects you besides that you have to remove them.
It’s nothing to do with how you save data - only that that user wants their data off the platform and told Roblox, so Roblox contacts the owner of every game they’ve ever played to say “Hey, delete this data please!”.

(Source @ GDPR Right to Erasure: How does Roblox know if you're storing user data?)