AmoraFolf's Tools | A Plugin

Hello devs! Hope you're having a great day or night!

Table of contents:

these aren't hyperlinks; they're blue to stick out from the order section

Introduction and explanation

as I’m writing this, there is a severe thunderstorm with lightning very close and strong, so I’m racing to get this posted before my power goes out lol

Today I am presenting you with a new plugin that I have been working on!

This plugin is a recreation of an old plugin (which is still available for download for archival purposes, along with the original post) that I made a long while ago; however, this new version has a new tool (and another new tool currently still in the works).

This new version of the plugin introduces a notepad. A notepad seems very useless since you could just use notepad on your computer or something. But the thing is, you don’t have to constantly click notepad open or look over at your second monitor (if you have one). This is especially useful for me since my second monitor is a 45° turn to the right. My neck gets really sore from this :sob:
Instead, the notepad takes use of a dock widget, so it can be placed anywhere you like for quick, comfortable reading of your notes.
The notepad actually serves as a replacement for the “advanced models” tool in the old version of the plugin.

The plugin lets you create and transform parts with ease and clear options, insert any user’s avatar by username, old username, or UserId, and write notes!

The current tools

This plugin only has three tools currently, two of which were already in the old version of this plugin

Here are those tools currently in the plugin:

  1. Part creation, with the ability to change color based on Color3 or BrickColor values, with many different types of parts. (This plugin will be good for newer people to studio who may not fully understand everything about parts.)

  2. A character inserter, which allows you to use anyone’s usernames, old usernames, or UserIDs to insert an R6 or R15 rig, or a rig type that the user picks! (Ex: 56437368 - me: User Choice would insert R15 | Ex two: 156 - builderman: User Choice would insert R6.)

  3. A notes page that allows you to write down notes and change font size when it doesn’t fit in the TextBox anymore… lol.

Future plans

As previously discussed, I will be adding another tool to this plugin. I will not give away anything about that new tool yet, but in my personal opinion, I think it will be cool!

Some plans I am willing to discuss now

  1. In the notes tool, I will to add tabs and a checklist section. The checklist will be merged with the notes to avoid unnecessary clutter in the toolbar.

  2. Make the notes scrollable to help stop it overflowing with text.

  3. Fix the dropdowns not closing by the button itself in the part tools.

  4. In the part tools, I will add information pop-ups that display information about what that property is and how it effects the part.

The plugin itself

Geez, didn’t expect this post to get so long! Here is the link to the plugin!


Since this plugin is brand new, this section is still blank… lol.

I appreciate feedback!

As the title of this section states, I’m very appreciative of all feedback, good or bad. Please give me any criticism, thoughts, suggestions, and any other feedback you can think of. I am open and willing to adjust my plugin around to meet what all of you want, not just what I want.

If there are any issues or bugs you find with the plugin that I may have missed, please DM me with the issue. Please do not report any bugs in the replies!


No, there are no contributions from anybody in this plugin. Everything in this plugin was all created by me.

Plugin icons (in the toolbar and on UI) are not made by me. They were downloaded from Google Icons, which can be found on Google Fonts.

I will not accept any requests to help on this plugin, nor will I hire anyone, so please do not ask.

Thank you

Thank you for checking out my post! I hope you enjoy this plugin and can bring me some good feedback. I want this plugin to be the best it can possibly be, and you can help me out with your feedback!

Here is the link to the plugin again in case you missed it the first time or skipped past it!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Best regards,

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Average DevForum post be like:

Anyway, this is a great idea!
Haven’t checked the Plug-In yet but here’s a few ideas:
Being able to make deadlines, this would notify you about the deadline trough a setting you choose, and can be like “notify me when the deadline is in 2 days” etc.
Being able to put goals, you would put goals and when you achieved than you can eliminate them
(This si optional and you don’t actually need to add it but would be great)
Having a UI Inserter like the Part one you already have (with custom things like triangles etc.) would be great, because let’s say it, Roblox’s UI is pretty… you know
Being able to save builds/UI so you can load them easily, and sort them through a “favourite” way maybe, also for avatars

Other than that it’s great!

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Those are some cool ideas! I’ll definitely write those down. Deadlines might be kind of tricky since I’ve never done anything like that, but I can still give it a shot

And this might be the fourth tool I’m working on… you’ll never know :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Thanks! Good luck with your Plug-In!


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You will neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I actually will…
When you’ll release it :smirk:

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Fair point. But you have to wait till thennn

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I don’t know if I installed it properly or if this is a different plugin can you point where it is please

It’s under “AmoraFolf’s Tools” inside of the toolbar. All of the icons are in white, so this is an oversight on my part. My apologies!

OHHH I can see it now thanks lol

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I fixed the plugin icons to work with light mode now. I’ll edit the plugin later to change the UI to light mode as well