Analytics: Sunsetting Developer Stats and Migrating Engagement-Based Payouts Data

[Update] January, 9, 2024

Hello creators,

We want to remind you that we plan to sunset the Developer stats page on January 10, 2024. To make this transition as smooth as possible, we want to call out three things:

1. Download your historical visits data for the last 4 years

You can download up to four years of your historical data from the Developer Stats page before January 10, 2024. Here’s how to do so:

  1. In the Creator Dashboard for your experience, click “Developer Stats” under the “Analytics” section.

  2. Under the “Historical” section of this page, choose a tab (hourly, daily, or monthly). Choose monthly for data going back furthest.

  3. Click the download icon for any of the three charts to export that chart’s data to a .CSV file.

While we’d like to keep this data around, we’re deprecating these charts because they’re based on data pipelines that are no longer being maintained. Instead, you should visit the Engagement page for historical sessions data and the Performance page for real-time data.

2. Engagement-based payout reporting will move to a new page

All data around premium playtime, Robux earned, premium payout score, premium visits, and premium visit percentage will remain accessible and move to a new dedicated Engagement Payouts page.

3. New per item reporting for developer products, game passes, and avatar item commissions is coming soon

You’ll be able to see sales and revenue breakdown by item for all of the above similar to our recent avatar analytics update. We expect to ship these updates in early December.

Please let us know in the replies if you have any questions or concerns. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving break!


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Been using the old Developer Stats page for almost a decade now, sad to see it go but it makes sense why considering how outdated they are in their metrics. I do hope to see the return of visits someday, as well as more real-time stats, as currently the new Creator Dashboard has had many problems with 48+ hour delays for daily stats. It would also be very appreciated to see higher data aggregation like weekly or monthly, as it’s possible with the new dashboard, but only by exporting the data. You can’t actually view metrics like Daily Revenue by month.

As a final reminder before it’s gone, for anyone with an experience that’s over 4 years old, I made a tutorial on how you can still get your historical Developer Stats data before it’s gone for good, as the graphs don’t show you all of the data that is really there:

But anyways, excited to finally see the extra breakdown by asset type for monetization! Hopefully the Engagement Payouts page will give us totals across a range instead of having to add up each day manually with no way to export ;-;


Tell me, why would I need a 4 year data .csv file? Why do you even need that? Tell me please


Will the underlying data still be saved/migrated by Roblox for things such as developer awards and milestones? Or is the data for these things unrelated?


4 years of analytical data is typically used as a database so that you can run queries of any questions you have may have had about your ventures.

For example if you were to keep track of any sort of special events you have done for your game or any updates you can run query as against the database.

Analytics such as how successful were my large updates were smaller updates more effective than larger updates. How successful were my advertisement runs were there any days that were more cost-effective than others.

All sorts of analytical questions where if you track data you can run queries across the data in order to get answers to present questions based all historical data.


From what I have seen so far this seems to be more powerfull then developer stats have been! I think it’s an alright upgrade to the website. All the little upgrades coming out right now are in total something great!! Keep up the good roll outs!!!


As long as the new tool isn’t hiding anything that the old one was showing us, seems logical to give it a facelift. :melting_face:


EDIT: sorry, I meant to reply to the main post, not yours.

What a horribly oversighted change. None of the other analytics tools give us visits data or data over such a wide range of time. There is no way for us to see historical visits data, and thus no way to measure game growth in terms of player visits. Please seriously reconsider this frankly blind decision.

Also, the other alalytics tools really need better control over time periods and the ability to hide the benchmark experience statistics which completely throwoff the scale of the graph. It is so harmful to teach developers to measure success by comparing themselves to others, as that is not how you measure self growth at all! Growth should be measured by comparing yourself to your past, not yourself to others, as no two people or projects are the same.

Its funny how you kept pushing back the deprecation deadline because some of you CLEARLY know there is no direct replacement for it. Why some of your lead are pushing this change is beyond me.


Can we expect to be able to view data from more than one year back with these new analytics tools? This is one of the biggest setbacks currently left in the new analytics page, which are otherwise fantastic upgrades all-round.


Why is the platform moving forward with this decision? what is the motivation behind it?


Personally, I think this site is the best. This way you can see how many visitors you have over the months and years. Without having to keep turning the page like on the newer page. I actually find the statistics very clear and that’s enough for me to track the number of visitors


Will this include Plugins? Currently there is no easy way of determining your plugin statistics, before we used to be able to see this how many sales we got via the old Create tab on Roblox. After the switch to the new developer portal, that metric for sales went missing, so the only way to obtain it was through MarketplaceService: print(game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(10301321106,Enum.InfoType.Asset))

However, even if you own the asset, the sales of the plugin is no longer visible through the MarketplaceService LUAU API… I have yet to search through the web apis to try and find a solution to this issue, but I shouldn’t have to. This information should be included somewhere on the Developer portal.


L in my opinion, deprecating a vastly used metric without introducing a solution for it, now I have to go to external sites to view my visits


any plans on simply moving a raw visits graph to the Engagement or Performance tab or something? there’s Sessions but im not sure why it shows different data than visits. and there’s also no way to view visits by the hour outside of the developer stats page, which i feel can be pretty useful at times. the only reliable reporting we have outside of this is rolimons now

W on point 3 though, i’m glad we can finally see detailed sales reporting. it’s desperately needed


The new system being as monetization-focused as it is, is completely useless to someone like myself who chooses not to monetize. Please reconsider, as other people here (who presumably do) are also worried about certain stats such as visits not being included in the new system.


Are there any plans to add a new “Filtered Devices” view before this is removed? This is one of the few things I still use the old developer stats for. It’s a really useful metric for the playability of the experience at current memory levels.


Will we still be able to see daily visits somewhere? There is no place to view that currently, other than in Developer Stats. I have been tracking my daily visits since March 2016 and would like to continue doing that without having to convert to another metric that doesn’t match up with past daily visits.

The Engagement tab should show raw daily visits, on top of the DAU and Sessions it shows.

Please let us know if this will be added, it is important to me.


Can we get an update about this? ^

The daily stats(raw number of visits in one day) are important to me, I’ve tracked them since 2016 and would like to continue having the same exact analytics


I wish the other metrics were as straightforward to check raw visits as the old developer stats are. For such an important metric you’d think it would should be the most straightforward to display. I don’t think I need to explain why being able to easily check the raw number of visits in a specific hour/day/month is important. Honestly a shame to see it go.