Analytics: Top selling and grossing plugins and models for Creator Store

Hi Creators!

We’re excited to announce the release of Creator Store analytics for plugin and model creators! If you have plugin or model items, you can see it in action here.

Through this dashboard, you can access transaction and revenue analytics on your free and paid Creator Store items. It currently supports plugins and models, with plans to support all Store asset types in the future.

Separately, we’re also working on delivering better analytics for avatar sales later this year. Please let us know if you have any feedback or questions below!



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sprigatito is my favorite plugin


Ayoo finally we can see the sales data


This looks extremely useful, especially if in the future I decide to put more models on the creator store, it will be possible to see all the details of it.


Hi @applepinecake,

Exciting announcement on the Creator Store analytics background Thank you Being able to measure transaction & revenue data per plugin and per model is game changer. Keep up the good work improving our livelihood, including the reported move to start providing insights into avatar sales later this year.

Can’t wait to dive into the new dashboard and what it tells us about how we are performing! In an ideal work, I hope to provide even deeper analysis of customer behavior and trends if that functionality is available in the future.

Thank you, gifts again for your time and effort, on the look-out for many feedback as I work with some of this particular data!

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Very useful for seeing how trends change over months and weeks! Is there an expected release date for selling models and possibly better accessiblity for buying models and plugins—like PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Robux, etc?


This is brilliant! Thank you so much for this update!


Hi @applepinecake! As you can see in the image, I have permission to sell on the Creator Store. However, I can only add the model for free, and I don’t see an option to set a price. Could you help me with this?


Glad to have this back again! I do have to ask though, you can’t sell Models, so while I appreciate the convenience to see a chart once again for the free ones that people download, is this hinting that being about to sell Models is coming in the near future? :thinking:

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Would be nice if you had the option to include/exclude paid or non-paid stuff.

On a related note, it seems like payouts just aren’t depositing into my account and instead just sitting on Roblox. Is this intentional?


I will never understand why Robux isn’t an option for payment anymore. It was nice and easy for a lot of devs, Robux in, Robux out. But now It’s Robux in, USD out, USD back in. Makes no sense to force in the extra step as the only option when it seems much better as an alternative option. I’m willing to bet that plugin sales went straight in the crapper for a while after that update. Not totally gone, mind you, but as a total “shot in the dark” guess, I’d say like a 20% drop in sales at the very least. Think of how many non-US devs there are, and how many younger devs rely on their parents for payments; they maybe only get Robux like once or twice a year. If they want plugins, Robux is their best bet in my humble opinion.


i have a lot of querants how do i make a sholder pet or tails sell them?


I’m so glad to have this back! It’s always really useful to be able to see what’s selling and where my update priorities should be, but it’d also be really great if the total sales counts were available too (as it was before)


Hi folks, thanks for the feedback so far. Answering a couple of points and others on the team will follow up about the others:

We are working on unlocking model sales and will be providing updates on the timeline via the Creator Roadmap. We want to align this feature with improved Asset Privacy controls.

Why USD?

  • The motivation for moving Creator Store to real-world currency is to maximize the revenue share we can provide to creators while more accurately representing the value of these assets.
  • By pricing in real world currency instead of Robux, asset creators can maximize their revenue share without being subject to platform fees (30%) and the DevEx rate.
  • However, we understand the feedback and will continue investigating more payment options to keep the Creator Store accessible to as many creators as possible.

Could you also add the ability to see sales hour-by-hour or even minute-by-minute over the course of a day and also compare them to other days, weeks, or months; it would be very useful for determining a good time to schedule updates.

It’s great to hear that Roblox is still working on payment accessibility. Has the team come up with any plans to implement any of the most popular ones (PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Robux, etc) yet? I’d love to see Robux get added as an option while still allowing Creator Store developers to get paid 90% of the sale.


You should be able to set fiat pricing via the Creator Dashboard after enabling “Distribute on Creator Store”


Shoulder pets and tails are Avatar UGC items. Avatar UGC items have separate requirements from Creator Store items and are shown on a different analytics page. There is more information on Avatar UGC here: UGC Program: Expanding Creation and Monetization with Avatar Bodies and Heads


I’ve always avoided anything with a $ on Roblox as I’d prefer to pay with the Robux I have rather than having to put charges onto my bank account. It makes my life a lot easier (and it also makes my brain think “I am not paying with real money; I am paying with Robux!”)

I want to support creators, but the dollar sign pushes me away from doing so. I have Robux for a reason, so I want to use that instead. It’s also why I don’t buy any subscriptions on Roblox games due to the requirement of USD (which doesn’t show a conversion most of the time since I use CAD). I would be fine with paying more in terms of Robux to USD conversion

It’s also why I swore on my life to never add subscriptions to my games. It doesn’t sit right with me to do that on the Roblox platform. It’s why I prefer the private server route of handling subscriptions


I thought that for years you had to avoid showing a Pokémon as an asset on Roblox for fear of reprisals from Nintendo.