Analytics: Track funnel and economy events to grow your experience faster

To circumvent the limits, I will just log 10 events, 5 sources and 5 sinks when a player leaves; however, all of them will have the same balance, will this create inaccurate charts?

Cuz there are games where players are constantly spending/earning a currency and you cannot report all the time the changes. Balance changes too often and so I will just use their currency value when they leave as balance for all the 10 logs.

I am getting an AnalyticsService: event field itemSku is invalid. error but I can’t find anything in the documentation about what is an invalid itemSku. What could be causing this?

The [Event Tracking Limitations]:120 + (20 * CCU)
Players can get gold coins by killing monsters in the game, and the frequency of killing monsters may be 60 monsters per minute. I think it can be increased to 120 + (60 * CCU)

This honestly looks super helpful for in game economy’s, I’m exited to see how it will be used by other developers.


Hi! This should be fine! Since all players will have 10 events the average should still be fine. Only issue I’m anticipating is that the transaction counts might be inaccurate, but as long as you keep that in mind it should be fine! Another option to aggregate events per time interval (e.g. one event per five minutes) if you want more granular events.

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Thanks for the feedback! We have been looking into options around updating this limitation. For now we recommend performing aggregations before sending those events e.g. you could send a single event every minute that is the sum of all monsters killed within that minute.

Hi! A possible option is to set a special custom field when sending events for funnel B that tracks whether or not the player has reached step 5 in funnel A. This way you can filter on that custom field to get funnel data for just user that have completed step 5.

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Yes,i can.
But i think this is a very common situation, many games will have the same use scenario, and we should support it .

Looking forward to giving there a whirl. Certainly beats bodging together crude insights from badges users are collecting.!

After removing one of the steps which I deemed unecessary and changing the numbers accordingly I ended up with a messed up funnel of duplicates? Killed Player funnel step is missing, removed funnel step Spawned caused this

Events seem good

I just implemented Funnel events into my game for tracking my tutorial. I noticed quickly that the event can fire multiple times both in the same session and in multiple sessions. This means I need to do my own debounces and data saving to make sure I don’t get data that is “wrong” or sent multiple times. Those things need to happen on the server too for validating the data (so exploiters can mess up data).

Edit #1: I also got an error message in the console about a stepName of mine. I assume the name was too long. The error message didn’t say that though. I simply made the stepName smaller and it worked.

Edit #2: when pressing the Reset button, it doesn’t get rid of the data that’s there, even after I refresh.

For now, until I make data saving and a debounce checking system for my funnel events, I’ll be turning this off for my game.

I’d personally like a Reviews system comparable to Steam, not an API or only a simple pop-up when players dislike a game. A pop-up that links to asking to write a review about your issues with the game would be nice. Most are not likely to write anything and simply leave the dislike without much there. That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist though imo. There’s also many feature requests on this, I’ll leave the expansive details for that.

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If anyones interested ive made a wrapper around AnalyticsService with a better api (at least i think)

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Is there some way to turn this off? In my game, in addition to the main gameplay, there are additional functions that are very important - The player makes his own consoles and releases them, but how can I find out the percentage of people who use the marketing mechanics? In the current state, statistics will consider that everyone who released the console advertised it, although this is not the case.

Is there any way to track the non-linear progression of the game? And if not, it would be nice if such an opportunity appeared, since this thing is very convenient and allows you to automatically find out which moments are most difficult for players without even asking them.

This error is occurring frequently in our game Monkey Raft despite the fact that we are not passing any values into the itemSku field of AnalyticsService.LogEconomyEvent.

I can provide more information about how we are using the API if needed, but this is all the information I can extract from the error message and the documentation.

After making changes to your funnel we recommend selecting a date range strictly after/before the change, otherwise we’ll try to combine your data. E.g. if you deleted the step on July 20th, you can set July 21st as your start date to get the most accurate updated funnel.

Yup if you send multiple funnel events with the same session id we will not double count them. You can read more about this here: Funnel Events | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Btw the reset button is for resetting the filters. It doesn’t clear any data. :saluting_face:

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Hi! In your use case could advertising be a step after releasing the console or even a separate funnel? Non-linear progression and the ability to update steps have been things that we are looking into. But for now consider reorganizing the funnel or splitting it into two funnels.

Does it add to the count limit for the API per minute? I wouldn’t want to spam events as I’d assume doing so without a reason would have performance implications and possibly stop other genuine player sent events. (Assuming the limit is reached).