Animation not working

Related to thiis whole client server conversation, I’ll send you a test example to show you what I mean properly, but let’s first get thiis issue solved :smiley:

OHHHHHHH i get it now.
i was testing on an NPC, where you should use serverscripts to load animations.
i believe playing animations on localscripts should still work on players.

yeah I want to play it on the Players T_T

I’ve taken the liberty to change your server code a little so we can see if it has any impact:

			if true or plr:GetRankInGroup(GROUP_ID) >= 250 then
			local HRP		=	chr:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
			local HUM		=	chr:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
			local ANIM		=	HUM:WaitForChild("Animator")
			local FOOT		=	chr:WaitForChild("RightFoot") or chr:WaitForChild("Right Leg")
			local AURAS		=	HAVEN:WaitForChild("HAVEN_Aura"):Clone()
			local SPIN		=	HAVEN:WaitForChild("SpinningAura")
			AURAS.Parent	=	HRP
			local Spin_Center	=	SPIN.Anchor_Spin:Clone()
			Spin_Center.Parent	=	chr
			local MT6D_2		="Motor6D")
			MT6D_2.MaxVelocity	=	0.1
			MT6D_2.Name			=	"Center"
			MT6D_2.Parent		=	HRP
			MT6D_2.Part0		=	HRP
			MT6D_2.Part1		=	Spin_Center
			Spin_Center.Position=, 2, 0) + HRP.Position
			local Spin_1		=	SPIN.Spinning_Part1:Clone()
			Spin_1.Parent		=	chr
			local MT6D_3		="Motor6D")
			MT6D_3.MaxVelocity	=	0.1
			MT6D_3.Name			=	"Spin1"
			MT6D_3.Parent		=	Spin_Center
			MT6D_3.Part0		=	Spin_Center
			MT6D_3.Part1		=	Spin_1
			Spin_1.Position=, 2, 3) + HRP.Position
			Spin_1.ToBottom.Beam.Attachment1	=	AURAS.BottomAura
			local Spin_2		=	SPIN.Spinning_Part2:Clone()
			Spin_2.Parent		=	chr
			local MT6D_4		="Motor6D")
			MT6D_4.MaxVelocity	=	0.1
			MT6D_4.Name			=	"Spin2"
			MT6D_4.Parent		=	Spin_Center
			MT6D_4.Part0		=	Spin_Center
			MT6D_4.Part1		=	Spin_2
			Spin_2.Position=, 2, -3) + HRP.Position

			Spin_2.ToBottom.Beam.Attachment1	=	AURAS.BottomAura
			local SpinAnim ="Animation")
			SpinAnim.AnimationId	= "rbxassetid://17300216850"
			SpinAnim.Parent = HUM
			local ANIMATION = ANIM:LoadAnimation(SpinAnim)
			ANIMATION.Looped = true

Does this still have the same issue as before? and are there any other errors in the output console?


Did it, but its not even playing still… :sob:

Ok awesome, all of these little tests give us small bits of info so we’ll be able to solve this. Next we need to do 2 tests. Firstly I want you to print(Animation.Length) to see if the animation actually loads. After that I want you to try using a different animation ID to see if those play either. As an example:

-- This is a Roblox Climbing animation, just to see if anything works
SpinAnim.AnimationId = ""

After some debugging, I managed to get it working, but wiith the use of UIS (this is optional.)

Localscript > StarterCharacterScripts:

local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer

local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid")

local Animator = Humanoid:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Animator")
local Track = Animator:LoadAnimation(script:WaitForChild("BlockAnim", .1))

local Debounce = false

	if (UIS:GetFocusedTextBox()) then
		return; -- make sure player's not chatting!
	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F and Debounce == false then
		Debounce = true


	if (UIS:GetFocusedTextBox()) then
		return; -- make sure player's not chatting!
	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F and Debounce == true then
		Debounce = false


As for the Motor6D and parts, I used purely Motor6D to weld the blocks together (without offset), then created another Motor6D inside the Torso to weld the Torso and the MainPart.

MainPart is optional, as you can use any of one of the two parts. Then you need all the parts inside the player, nothing else.

Not pressing F:
Pressing F:

You may use a RemoteEvent or something else if you do not want to use UIS
Edit: ok nevermind, you don’t have to use a remotevent, just remove the entire thing and just call Track:Play() that’s all

The whole thing works with a different animation ID

This is actually a good alternative if they want toggle

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For welding parts at ease with Motor6D, you can use a plugin made by HowToRoblox:

(make sure to select the first part then all the other parts to weld those parts with the first part, then click “new Motor6D”)

Alrighty awesome, Would we be able to test if we’re able to make the animation run on your dummy rig using a script, just to see if the animation atleast works with the original rig?

nope doesn’t rotate the orbits on there either. Is it probably with how the animation is saved?

have u tried my solution? make sure to have no offset

Hold on, I’ll try and see if this works.

i did forget to mention that the localscript in startercharacterscripts is just a placeholder, you may play the animation however you want.

That explains why nothing works :smiley: Have you made sure the latest version of the animation is published?

Also is the Animation uploaded to the same group / profile as the game you are editing?

He has mentioned it before, so yes



I just had to re-upload the animation again, god damn.

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Glad it finally works :smiley: Its always these dumb simple things that go over our head haha

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