Announcing: Stop stressing about copyright claims - Use Strofe to make your own music in minutes!

I am the community moderator here at Strofe.

We are only a small team… Anyways we have future updates on adding more music buttons.


Someday could there be an aggressive mood with heavy metal/rock instruments? That would be amazing for FPS makers. Other than that, this is an AMAZING tool, the music is really good! (I especially love spooky jazz mode, it’s great for games going with a Luigi’s mansion vibe.)


This tool is a game changer, thank you!

Thanks for the suggestion we will add this in the future.

*Strofe community moderator

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LOVE IT!!! Has great music!!!


Hey thanks! I’m glad that you like it.

I’m happy to report that we just released a brand new library! Some of the new features are:

  • Sort by title, mood, style, last modified date, and duration (ascending and descending are supported).
  • Ability to favorite songs
  • Ability to duplicate songs
  • Ability to share songs from the library
  • Added an embedded song player


Let us know what you think!


Question, is Strofe free? I just want to double-check.

Yes, creating songs is free right now and any song you create is yours to do whatever you want with.

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Hi Everyone!

We’ve added a settings page now along with many other small improvements. Be sure to check it out - we’re still free!

Hey everyone.

We have just had a huge update the introduction of Strofe coins. A online currency to buy songs. Storfe isn’t a fully free anymore but you do get free Strofe coins when you sign up and you can listen to songs on Strofe for free it just downloading that will now cost you Strofe coins.

Strofe coins can be obtained by paying actual money or winning them by give aways or daily login (more information will be provided on our community server my information isn’t 100% accurate and will edit once I gather more information)

You can visit Strofe right now and check it out for yourself if you have any questions let us know.

Linux_Detected - Community Moderator

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@strofe_music and @strofemusic
Patreon? (Idea)


sus sus among us!

we need to be able to customize length of song

I believe we can do this already I made my song 30 minutes long?

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but there is no option for that
if i want a short song there is no option for short long or medium or smth

You’re not the first one to ask for that feature! We’ll definitely be looking into that down the road but for now you can just regenerate the track to see if you roll a short one!


We’re currently looking into building out new genres!

Vote on what you’d like here to help decide what happens next!

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we need permission to access mind changing the settings.

Fixed! Good catch, thanks for being so quick!


Screen Shot 2021-11-02 at 3.48.51 PM
really? we can submit another response, and it works.