AntiAutoclick (Detects Autoclicking)


This is an autoclicking detector with lots of configuration and ways to detect autoclicking.


		@default 5 flags
		<number> flags_before_autoclicking

			The number of flags the player can receive before considered
			autoclicking and firing the 'DetectedAutoclicking' signal

		@default 15 clicks
		<number> clicks_before_running_checks
			The number of times the player must click before running
			all of the autoclicking checks

		@default .05 seconds

		<number> too_fast_between_clicks

			If the player has an average time between clicks lower than this
			they will be flagged; i.e., if the player clicks faster than a human
			is able to

		@default 1 second

		<number> too_slow_consistent_between_clicks

			If the player has an average consistent time between clicks higher 
			than this they will be flagged; e.g., it's unlikely a player 
			will click consistently every 5 minutes

		@default 15 seconds

		<number> too_slow_between_mouse_movements

			If the player doesn't move their mouse for this number of seconds,
			while clicking at least once, they will be flagged

		@default .008 seconds

		<number> too_low_inconsistency_between_clicks

			If the player has an average clicking inconsistency between clicks 
			lower than this than they will be flagged; i.e., if they have perfect 
			timing between clicks, like an autoclicker
Code example
-- In a local script in StarterPlayerScripts
local AntiAutoclick = require(script.AntiAutoclick)

	print("Detected autoclicking!")

In action:

Roblox link: AntiAutoclick - Roblox

Please let me know any questions or concerns by replying to this topic, thank you.


I mean this is cool and all but I don’t really understand why you would want to bar a player from using an autoclicker.


an exploiter could easily just delete the script


In simulators where you’d rather the player be clicking than leave their pc on all night and not have to work for anything.


Yes, I don’t think there is a way to get around this though. And it’d still stop a lot of people who weren’t


Can’t you then just add an anti-cheat?


Mot modern autoclickers are somewhat customizable, to the point of being able to add random wait between clicks.
The slow click threshold is a good idea though, i remember setting the autoclicker to once every 10 minutes to fram in a sandbox tycoon.


at what point does it consider it an autoclicker? (what cps)


It’s not based on cps. It’s based on the consistency of the clicks


This will kick people who drag click?

What do you mean by drag click?

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Ah interesting point. I’ll have to take that into account. If I need to, I can always just switch from clicking to moving to gain speed (this was made for my speed sim)

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Remember, what limits a semiautomatic is how fast you can click.

Drag clicking is a form of aiming in games.
I believe it is dragging your cursor towards your target, kind of like flicking.

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Ah no no, this doesn’t create a debounce or cooldown if that’s what you’re asking. And as for it detecting if drag clicking is auto clicking, I’m not sure. I haven’t tested it

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The thing is tho if they do leave their pc on all night auto clicking then you might get premium payouts depending if they have premium or not :smiley:


That’s true. I’m not saying that this is something that people need or should use. It’s just here for those that do


Yes and no, If you have a Filtering Enabled for functions then they can’t just delete it. But with it off they can Just 100% delete it and auto click.

Is this on the client side or the server side? (sorry I can’t open studio right now)

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What’s so detrimental about an auto-clicker? Even if they aren’t “working” for a goal, they’re still a concurrent player in your game. It’s a lot different than using scripts to autofarm and such.

I personally feel like if your game is so tedious that players want to use an auto-clicker or simple enough that an lone auto-clicker destroys your game’s progression, you probably have a problem.