Any free (or cheap) logging services?

Realized discord webhooks got a very robust rate limit. Any alternatives?

You could still use Discord webhooks, just cache information in a table and then send/clean the table every so often; just keep in mind of the 2000 char limit.

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I highly do not recommend Discord Webhooks, you could use a webhosting service, and log it on there, or MySQL. In no means are Discord Webhooks for constant logging, Discord could terminate your webhook if you are not careful with how you use it.

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I’ve seen many programmers resort to caching results and sending in chunks instead of multiple times; how-ever if you can find a free alternative that is better then by all means.

Discord lets you log events as long as it’s under the rate limit.

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You could set up a cheap VPS and use that. DigitalOcean has some for as low as $5 a month and they have unlimited incoming bandwidth. If you are a student you automatically get $50 of free credit from your GitHub account.

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Just how much would you need to use? I know of games that use their webhooks every 5-15 seconds that don’t get rate-limited.

Most of the time, if you are frequently using Discord’s Webhooks;

As seen on that post, 30 msg/60 sec limit for webhooks.
Also to add to this, many many users have had their webhooks deleted and suspended, and all requests blocked to it. I again, do not recommend using webhooks for constant logging, maybe logging a form of exploits, but logging very frequently isn’t recommended. I suggest using @ileph 's suggestion, I’ve used DigitalOcean before and I can tell you their VPS’s are great, and no request limits. :smiley:

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That’s one message for every two seconds!!

Discord isn’t meant to be used as a logging service. Regardless of whether you cache up or not to avoid rate limits (which are already silently in place for the Roblox UserAgent), you’re still incorrectly using webhooks. Use a proper logging service like Sentry.

cc @NonessentialCoder


Personally, I would use discord since its amazing stuff for beginners. Stuff like sentry or your own private website is also awesome.

You can use discord as much as you’d like, you can even go over it’s limit!
Why? Because all of your requests (logs) will be queued until discord is ready to take in another request. Learned this the hard way, so feel free to use discord as much as you want, however keep in mind messages that are sent too fast will be queued!

I literally just mentioned that Discord shouldn’t be used as a logger service. Don’t encourage rule breaking of another platform’s Terms of Service. It’s not going to be smiles all around when disciplinary action starts being handed out for misuse of Discord.

Discord cannot be used “as much as you’d like” and encouraging writing over limits is a terrible idea. Limits are limitations that are impossible to go over by nature of the software’s programming, not an enforced maximum that you have to adhere to.

Using Discord API with this mindset is just asking to get banned.

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Your not going to be banned. Previously, discord has banned ROBLOX before but then it has been since allowed again because discord has a specific queue for ROBLOX api.

You are going to get banned, Discord themselves have shut down several Webhooks in the past for abusing requests to the Webhook.

Discord blocked Roblox’s UserAgent from sending requests to its servers because bad actors were utilising Discord webhooks and rate limits weren’t being respected, inter alia. Each of those fall under violations of the Terms of Service regarding webhooks.

Roblox added a rate limiter for Discord requests and Discord silently unblocked Roblox’s UserAgent. Roblox’s UA being allowed to send requests to Discord API again doesn’t mean you can’t undergo disciplinary action for misusing Discord webhooks.

Discord is not meant to be used as a logger service. Don’t use it as one. You will get banned.

GameAnalytics is also another free logging service that a good amount of Roblox developers use, here’s a quick guide on it I found through a search on the DevForums:

GameAnalytics isn’t a logging service, it’s mostly for analytical purposes.

It’s fine as long as you respect the limits smh

You’re cherry picking wording to prove a point. Read the full post. In addition, that post was made 2 years ago and a lot can change in 2 years, so that isn’t reliable and updated information.

I read your post? I’m referring to this:

Discord is not meant to be used as a logger service. Don’t use it as one. You will get banned.

According to that email, it’s fine as long as you respect the limits. It being two years old doesn’t say anything really unless they explicitly said somewhere after that date that logging was strictly not allowed. If you can show me updated information, i’ll stray away from discord.