So I am trying to give my group’s staff members credit in the game, and I was just wondering if there is a way of doing that with script automatically updated once a new server starts instead of doing it manually.
The thing you are suggesting must only return members from a certain rank.
I have a list of developers who participated in the game, and I want it to be created via script. The list is in the lobby of the game, and it should be created only once, when the server starts.
If you want to be able to make a list of admins, and then have it be used in your game via scripts, you’d do something like this:
-- assuming you have a 'staff' folder in workspace containing StringValues with each of their values set to the staff member's name
local staff = game.Workspace.Staff:GetChildren() -- get all the children of the staff folder
for index = 1, #staff do -- loop through all of the staff
local valueObject = staff[index] -- get the string value
print(valueObject.Value.. " is a staff member!") -- print out the staff member's name
Sorry for bothering you so much, but I am asking for the thing that creates that staff folder and it’s descendants one by one, by getting data from the group, so this is a communication between the game and the group.
Ah, I see. Try and communicate stuff like that a bit more effectively in the future (e.g. say you want to generate the credits directly from the group).
You can also edit your posts if you want to add/remove/fix typos so you don’t spam lots of posts.
I don’t believe that is possible at the moment. You could do some weird HTTP request to get the members directly from the webpage, but that is out of my league atm.
Here’s the feature request for this feature if you want to bump it with a use-case or just support:
I’m assuming by credits, you meant the list of the game’s developers.
If so, why generate this dynamically? Think of what would happen if the developer leaves the group: they won’t be rightfully credited anymore. If a new developer enters the group (one that didn’t work on the game), then you’d be inadvertently giving them credit when they shouldn’t be credited.