Are syringes allowed in a non drug related way?

In a part of the game I’m creating I thought it’d be cool to be able to “create” a sort of mutant/zombie using a array of different mixes you can make. These would be put into a syringe and wouldn’t be injected in to yourself, but the zombie or other players. I know that anything drug related is definitely off limits, but I was wondering if it has no relation to drugs, if it would be allowed? since I’ve seen a few syringe models on the toolbox that haven’t been moderated.


In my experience, I would suggest you use syringes at your own risk. If they are not displayed in a manner that is associated with the use of illegal substances, then I would believe it would be fine. Although, Roblox reserves the right of final say in all matters regarding whether or not you were using syringes innapropriatly.

Avoid using syringes in your game. This topic has been discussed before, please use the search function before making a new thread.


Roblox doesn’t police content and these models may have been updated long ago. Syringes at all are not allowed on Roblox and will be accordingly moderated under drug references even if that’s not your intent, due to their resemblance and connotation.

See above for information.


Would epipens be allowed? They’re another injection device but don’t have the possible illegal substances subtext since they’re simply used for medication. If you need healing items, would these be a viable alternative?


In theory you can put anything you want in autoinjectors. They’re basically just spring-loaded syringes. In the end it’s still a needle you stick in yourself and i don’t think Roblox wants their audience to be exposed to that.


You can put heroin in an EpiPen, but that’s not a common thing afaik. I thought the issue was that syringes are commonly thought of as drug related, whereas EpiPens have better PR.
I do see your point, however.

No matter how medical the context, needles aren’t allowed? Vaccinate your child in a family roleplay, shots in doctor games, etc?


Context is irrelevant. Any syringe item or something resembling a syringe (e.g. Fallout Stimpack) on Roblox will be moderated. Alternatives have been suggested such as bandages, potions and hyposprays (see: Star Trek).


Pills, syringes, or other content representing drug paraphernalia or drug use are not permitted.

Source: Roblox Community Rules

Roblox has explicitly mentioned the use of syndromes are banned*, you cannot use them. If you want to change that, do so in the correct manner

* In 99.99% of cases, Dr. Fla Tyfoid bundle exists; but that's a whole thing

As others have said, you should avoid references to syringes since they have a close relationship with drug abuse. If you’re really attached to the idea though, maybe you want to try something like darts instead? They’re likely innocuous enough. Obviously don’t design them to look like syringes.

This sounds precisely like RoBio. The game kept getting taken down as it just feels a bit adult themed to have “defenseless creatures (whether alive or not) subject to manipulation.” The place where you definitely cross the line is when you’re injecting something into other players.

Notably, RoBio originally started out, with the same idea you’re having, although instead of Zombies, they used Prisoners. When the game got taken down, they re-uploaded it with Prisoner Zombies. The game got taken down again. The game now lives on as Ro-Chanics where you perform testing & experiments on Robots.

The reason why Ro-Chanics is being allowed, from what I can tell, is now you are (instead using a syringe) giving infected oil to the robot, then taking some of that infected oil from that robot to use as part of a driver, that can be used to infect other robots. You can do some mixing and matching of drivers into a hybrid driver that gives multiple infections.

I remember at RDC 2018 during a panel dedicated to moderation, someone asked about the use of Adrenaline Shots or Pills for the sake of “healing” (in a hospital sense) and they made a big point to talk about how that’s going to be a constant no no.

If you’d like to see for yourself, I’ve clipped right to the part where someone asks about it, and the speaker answers about it. And there’s dicussion about the differences in pills versus vitamins, and so on and so forth.

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Wait… Does that mean inhalers are disabled?

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