[Army Roleplay Map] Developer Log No. 2

Howdy Folks!

Welcome to the second developer log for this project.

See Previous log here

Current Progress
There has not been an insane amount of work completed on the map, however about 75% of the assets required to fully complete this project have been made.

Map Images

Assets not currently added but complete

More in-depth overviews of a few buildings can be seen below.
I highly recommend checking out “Forces Command Division Building” if you are a developer within the Modern Military Community space.

Forces Command Division Building

Tank Garage

What the future holds

With the majority of assets being created, the map should come together quite quickly. The only issue now is that I’ll be home on winter break for roughly a month, and will not be developing during that time.

That’s all for now!

Thanks for sticking around! This project has been fun for me to put my free time into.


The map is not but it would be nice to have a closer image to the building and stuff.

I appreciate the response, if you click the two arrows points under the current progress section titled “Map Images” and “Assets not currently added but complete” more images will drop down.

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Maybe add bushes and little trees and stuff by the building has like over growth it will give it a more natural look