Asset Manager is Here (BACK IN BETA)

While it looks great, I still prefer the old one over this because this does not support multi/box selection. My game requires a lot of assets, and selecting multiple at once is really necessary. Please make this a thing in the new asset manager.

Edit: where are dev products and badges?


Please add animations to asset manager too, it’s really inconvenient to go back to inventory page on the website to just copy asset ids.


What do you mean, filter? Does this mean we’re going to have to deal with our internal asset names being filtered through the extremely oversensitive filters that are already used for website assets?


I believe they mean a search filter. Like what they’ve done to the Audio section in the toolbox; you can see this in one of the images in the original post.


This is correct. Filter here means “search filter” to help refine your searches and get you better results.


Looks good, could be helpful. Only problem I have is that I need to click 3-4 times on a folder for it to open.
Oh yeah, will there be any way to alternate from the classic Explorer to the Asset Manager? Or is the Asset Manager going to completely replace the current Explorer?


I’d like to have the ability to switch between a grid and list view in the asset manager. I don’t really need a grid view to manage certain assets, and a list view would be much quicker to use.

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When you scroll to the bottom, it creates duplicates of imported assets


Bug: I had to deactivate this as “Insert With Location” randomly stopped working.

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I would love to use this Feature! I will activate this when I am a beta Developer!
Finally that has been added!


It seems kind of simple right now but cool concept.

It’s nice, but for some reason whenever the widget is visible my FPS drops down to 30?
If it’s combined with another widget like properties and you hide it the FPS jumps back up to 60… does anyone else have issues with performance when the widget is visible??? Or is it just me?

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@ArrantNickel makes an excellent point. Being able to create folders is crucial.

I’m making a game where there are multiple vehicles, and each vehicle has a bunch of different texture skins. It would be awesome to have a way to organize this within the asset manager.


First of alll I feel like I am a bit late to this topic but I wanted to send my suggestions on this because why not

First of all when I started on a Baseplate I had to publish and the Publish Button was more clean and looking better than the old one.

Places page is way more cleaner than I expected and it looks way more better and clean than the old one but I gotta say I am not used to clicking twice to open something at Game Explorer and I think clicking it once should let us to open that page too.

When I tried to check the buttons once again to see how they function I noticed that sometimes they open the page after 6+ clicks which is kind of annoying.

When I clicked 3 lines I noticed a menu which made me happy because I was used to that kind of menu but it didn’t show the children in it. I think it should show us the children in it like the old one.

When we change the name of an image it doesn’t replicate the name to the properties tab. I don’t know if it was a thing at game explorer.

Meshes do not show up to the meshes tab for some reason. (It showed up after a while)

Everything except these look like they are nice,clean and useful so I can’t wait for it to come out of beta. I am really thankful to the team who put this all together :clap:

I’ve noticed it’s not possible to remove game assets uploaded by other developers despite having all group permissions.

Is this done on purpose or a bug?

I think it’s a bug, and I think it extends beyond just your specific scenario. I am the only person with edit access to the group game, I uploaded all the assets myself, and I cannot remove them. Really annoying when trying to replace assets with a newer version.

I’ve had to swap back to the classic game explorer for now, as it’s becoming impossible to work effectively with the new manager.


I hope this makes studio easier to use for newer developers so they do not feel overwhelmed.



Thanks for the report, we’ve identified the issue with the inability to remove any kind of asset and will be submitting a fix.



Please please please add an option for us to create folders to further organise our assets. edit: just saw that other people have also requested this, Roblox pls <3


Will this also show up Audio’s, Decals, Textures etc?

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