Assistant for Docs: Use AI to Build, Grow, and Monetize Your Creations

People can learn script from AI. After a few prompts they will start to know what the code does and so if they need it for another game they know it.

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What? Can we as creator get this API? I’ve never seen it, but’s very usesefull!

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If you haven’t noticed, that API is

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I asked the assistant some question about making a game better and it seemed to generally work out pretty well, though the answers are pretty known to begin with. It doesn’t delve into the specifics but it articulates pretty well and I can see myself using it to answer certain questions I wouldn’t know where to find. Pretty good update!

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What does that mean? Only Roblox workers can use it or what?


:rotating_light: Misinformation :rotating_light:


What I find interesting using it is is using deprecated API features and also not even knowing a types return type. Example:

terrain:GetCell() is a deprecated function: Terrain | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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Ironically, the AI itself believed that the function is deprecated from my prompt! On top of this, wait itself is unoptimized in comparison to it’s task.wait counterpart, as listed in the documentation which the AI has full access to:


I’m unsure if this is because of a training date cutoff or it was just never fed any information about Luau as the documentation website is separate, but i’ve been unable to get it to understand anything related to the type annotation. Will it eventually get support for code generation with type annotation? Or at least have knowledge of it with the ability to generate types?

Yes, only CoreScripts can successfully run it.

Never mind, I was basing it off the fact the linter doesn’t complain for using it (unlike other deprecated API).

It’s just a more helpful tool, code wise especially. It’s sometimes easier to have an AI write out some boilerplate code when you know how to respond to it well, and google can be holy unhelpful in certain situations AI just isn’t. It’s just a shortcut that saves on time, and it’s existence doesn’t have to be justified any further than that in my opinion.

This is actually epic!

This new AI assistant will hopefully pave the way for simpler tasks in the future. One of the more tedious things to do is looking through the Roblox documentation for insight on specific parts of the API, with this new assistant, we might just be able to query that info and get a useful reply without needlessly spending time searching for the answer.

I hope that in the future, we will be able to leverage the power of AI to perform time-consuming tasks automatically, allowing us developers to focus on the important and more enjoyable elements of game production.

I also hope that this new assistant will remain free for all developers and not have new features locked behind a paywall.

Can’t wait to get access and try it out for myself!


Interesting, beginners using this to do work for them is bad and there’s not much Roblox can do besides remove this feature. It’s up to beginners to learn how to code, design etc. although this can be good if beginners are using it responsibly in a way that helps them learn.

For more experienced developers, this can help speed up the development process and help them learn new skills, again if used properly.

My opinion on this update really depends on what mindset you want to use AI with. AI is just full of mixed opinions.

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Whats bad with ai games? It provides more options for players and a absolute beginner cannot fully make a good game with ai because you need soom prior knowledge


I understand why some people are worried that this AI will cause some games to lose quality as a lot of work can be done by this assistant rather than the developer. But I think it’s important to acknowledge that this tech can also improve game quality as well.

I for one may use this tool to solve complicated math I’m not smart enough to figure out, or to learn parts of the Roblox engine I may not yet know. The AI will allow me to do things I may not have been able to do before, giving me more creative freedom.

If you want to blame something for lazily made games, point your fingers at the developers who use the AI that way, not the AI itself.


I personally think the main issue with AI tools such as this is that it could be too complicated for beginners, but of no use to an intermediate/advanced developer.


not too bad, i’ve been messing around with it giving it random keywords or questions:

Ton of screenshots

Worth a shot lol


Roblox is considered a platform for people who want to create. People put clothing on Roblox, people make games on Roblox. It’s all about creativity. Roblox wants everyone to be able to create anything, but for beginners it’s hard. The AI isn’t really doing much but guiding the people and helping them understand how to create what they want.


I’m quite worried with how some users may implement this AI into their flow, in the first 5 minutes of trying it out; I’m already seeing mass hallucinations on behalf of the AI, while hallucinations are to be expected in an AI, I’ve personally never had other AI tools outright tell me the opposite to the right answer-

Roblox AI on it’s way to attempt to make the laggiest platform out there

Just as a heads up, error code 420 is not the same as 429; 420 is actually not officially assigned to anything at all (it was used unofficially by Twitter as a rate-limit), the AI has hallucinated in this response.