Assistant for Docs: Use AI to Build, Grow, and Monetize Your Creations

I tried software development 3 times, and I never got anywhere. Recently, I made a simple program which actually helps in my daily life. How? I asked Windows 11’s AI which is in beta (Copilot). I asked for hours, and I was able to write code that worked.

It was still hard, it wasn’t really being spoonfed code since I also learned what each thing did. That’s very important to me. I’d be able to change how it works without help afterwards.

I feel like this also could apply to learning anything with AI, including Roblox development. The AI will give new scripters code they can digest, while also helping the pros be more efficient.

I didn’t like AI at first either, but this could really help people. It may encourage making trash for a couple people that don’t bother to learn new things. If they used it to learn too, they could get somewhere.


passwords.txt :rofl: imagine the ai has access to his computer


am i missing something or did it just tell that characteradded will let you know when the player is leaving

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dude figured it all out
that’s part of the reason it is added

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Doesn’t async mean non-immediately, while sync is the opposite?

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When right-clicking the assistant button on any docs page and opening the link in a new tab, it will take you to instead of the correct page, showing a 404 error.

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It works really nice. I learned a bunch of new things already. However, he agrees with whatever i say.
me - tweening a models primarypart moves the whole model!
Ai - yes, it does, here’s an example.
me - it doesn’t work
AI. - whoops, I am sorry, it actually doesn’t work. You have to tween the whole model!

Then it just goes back and forth. The Ai just agrees to me no matter what.

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This is a very nice step :+1: What I appreciate most is that it’s a stable language model. It “understands” what you are trying to say and ask. It can even “understand” very specific/niche issues (though it often can’t solve them).

Without reading much of the previous comments, I will agree with the last one by @PiercedMissile, the model seems a bit too agreeable, and in my opinion that’s not something you’d want from a tool like this - you’re going to it as an authoritative source. That also makes me wonder about my statement regarding niche issues - perhaps the reason why it often can’t solve them is in fact because it doesn’t “understand” them well enough, but is rather only parroting your observations back to you, because of it’s agreeableness, making it seem like it “understands” what you’re talking about more than it actually does.

Why I came to comment initially is this: The tool references deprecated things (Instances, properties, methods, etc.) way too often. As an example, in the last few messages it referenced BasePart.Velocity,"BodyVelocity") and"BodyForce"). When confronted about it, it corrects itself, but I don’t see a good reason why we should need to take this extra step in the long-run.

Another thing it does (less frequently) is make up methods, such as CFrame:ToQuaternion(). Again, when confronted about it, it corrects itself, and will even provide a custom function (such as toQuaternion(cFrame)) if asked, but I don’t see why it should confuse users by making up methods in the first place, when it could output something like this instead:

local qX, qY, qZ, qW = toQuaternion(someCFrame)    -- your custom function

Alternatively, it could always automatically generate such custom functions. I don’t feel strongly about that (as long as it’s capable of generating it when asked), but that’s the direction I lean towards.

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When will there be an ai for building?

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That was already shown off at the last RDC:

But as we saw, it seemed to be more of just placing free models around. Though I can see the potential use for at least setting up a rough-draft of a layout.

If there were a way to explicitly tell it to use your own assets, this might also be a good way to generate a world for those that find that to be more tedious, and then refine it afterwards.

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- Update is horrible to be honest.


Honestly this update is kinda horrible the AI can take away the scripters job and the thing is scripters are better than AI why roblox gotta do this I don’t get it I don’t see the reason why they decided to add AI to help scripting.


is this what roblox wanted? probably not, but it’s still funny.

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As a person like me… I am still learning… and a lot on my plate in my games creation.
With having to do everything myself… this is a welcome relief… not perfect… but welcomed.

If scripters are so good… how come it is hard to find a scripter that will partnership in games ?
I would rather continue designing my games than having to worry about scripting.
That I can learn later… if I had a scripting partner… but I don’t… so Roblox’s Ai is my partner right now.

The game already has the following of over 200k players (once over 500k) on a 2D platform.
I am now bringing it to 3D… and hopefully by late 2024/2025 … to VR as well.

So it should grow fast (bringing many from the 2D version)… and then there’s the Millions on the Roblox platform already.

If only Partnerships were easier :man_facepalming: COUGH
(I have looked on Roblox’s platform already).

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What’s so wrong about it?

If a new developer goes and asks ChatGPT for assistance, the AI tends to give incomplete and broken code, as well as the potential of old and deprecated code since it was trained from Roblox’s API back in 2021. Not to mention ChatGPT has been known to use code that doesn’t even exist in Roblox’s API.

Also, there’s the potential issue of outdated information. When you use Google or any other search engine, there’s always the chance of getting semi-relevant answers that don’t fully answer your question. Why would pick to dig yourself into a rabbit hole to find an answer, when you can settle to use an AI and have it explain things to you that quick Google searches cannot?

I think it’s a pretty cool and nifty idea to have a dedicated AI on Roblox that can be used to assist developers as they learn or are stumped on ideas.

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What’s the issue with games being AI-generated?

Roblox is a game engine designed for children to play, socialize, and create their games. I think adding AI would be a big step forward in Roblox’s goal, as it will allow any user to finally create their own game using their imagination. Regardless of their ability to code and game design

The new assistance AI is nowhere close enough to being able to do semi-complex scripts as a human would be able to do. The AI was designed to assist not to be used as a main form of creating code.
Either way, why would it matter if the game was created by a human or a robot? The developer would still be required to create assets for the game, as well as test the functionality of all the code in it and make adjustments. Perhaps a few will get to scrape by with sheer luck and make a successful game while knowing nothing about code, but they will be limited to bringing out the fullest parts of their game because of what they are lacking in.

Personal Comments:
Either way, even if the AI was good enough to create full-fledged games with a single prompt. It still cannot mimic the talent of any developer. I believe talent and skill are what drive a game to be great. If you are passionate about your code and have the knowledge to prove it, then that’s all that matters. You shouldn’t let the threat of AI creating better code control your opinion of it, you can use AI to get a second perspective of your code and make it better.


The AI cannot even create a simple flying car, I doubt it will overtake the job of fellow developers any time soon.


The character limit is a major issue. It’s forgivable for most AIs because they are designed for general conversation, or for searching. It’s not forgivable on an AI made to help develop games.

The lack of edit functionality is also a major pain point. Retries are also very weird in this, as instead of replacing the previous response, it just gets added to the chat.


I can see this being useful for me in the future! :+1:t5:

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With how terrible the quality of the DevForum’s discussion and support sections can get, this is a pretty decent alternative to asking questions regarding mechanics of the engine and how to tackle different problems regardless of how niche to the platform they may be. I’ve been on this platform for over a decade and I hate having to spend hours digging through old, outdated, or straight up incorrect DevForum topics on whatever niche problem I have. I’ve already asked the AI a couple things and it’s given me better answers than I have found here.

I think you’re conflating generative AI, which is an entirely different can of worms, with this tool.


Firefox can’t connect to the server but it works fine in Edge on the same machine.

Spamming refreshin in Firefox doesn’t fix it either.