Its around 110 dollars if you buy it with real money (not devex rate)
There are 637 lines of code.
Its around 110 dollars if you buy it with real money (not devex rate)
There are 637 lines of code.
The design is fine, but the price itself isn’t fair in the slightest, I’m aware the source creator’s point is ‘the unfairness of the money received from plugins (?)’, but creating something for the marketplace that’s borderline inaccessible and acts like a sky-box index, which you can create your own library for in seconds seems sort of… unfair? I insanely agree that 637 lines of code isn’t sufficient enough to be a viable resource that’s worth as much as it is, even ‘Moon Animator 2’, a plugin that costs 1,700 and was free is worth more to the public than this, inoffensively.
I believe this would even be slightly worth more if the sky-boxes weren’t just ripped from other peoples uploads on the website with minor editing to the lighting so it looks like it fits within the sky-box, I’m sure he asked for permission, or at-least paid for the sources…
Are you sure it’s the correct plugin? It looks like the folder’s name is Reclass
oopsies, thought this was the reclass thread
Never’s coming early.
Now I don’t know what the code behind this looks like but seriously? 4000 for a Image ID giver? I understand you “want to be in price range of the new market” but you don’t have to make all of your plugins an outrageous price. Don’t get me wrong I love some of your plugins but you don’t have to be the Apple of Roblox with overpriced plugins just cause of your reputation.
But seriously, 4000 robux for that is overboard. I get InCommand, Atmos is okay but it really lacks features, you only have so many skyboxes to choose from. You buy it maybe use one or two different skyboxes and barely touch it again. I haven’t used it in god knows how long cause there isn’t much to it. ReClass is a basic but still great of a plugin, I personally don’t support the new prices on some of your plugins as its honestly not worth the amount you are trying to get out of them especially at per-purchase but if that’s what you feel like you need to do in order to get a bang off your buck have at it. I just hope dear to god if they ever do subscriptions for plugins that you don’t turn into Adobe cause you will see a huge profit loss when people just start reuploading your plugins.
I got this, not really a fan of how little it comes with. But other than that it was ok.
Yeah, I thought it was going to be like a highly professional skybox and lighting tool that could be used in many cases so I bought it and instead it was just a bunch of images with only like 8 actually looking good with some basic lighting preset settings. I was expecting a lot more skyboxes and possibly support for dynamic clouds or rain or sun and moon presets or some form of easy customization. Luckily I bought it before the price became super high but still was just okay.
8000 Robux is just insane for some skyboxes and lighting presets, I’m aware of the price problem but I don’t think you’ll get many sales if you keep it so high
Now it’s 30 bucks, just wow bro.
$30 USD for some lighting presets, you’d save more if you hired a developer to make one (LFX).
This is just insane
I bought the Atmos plugin via your link. I knew the steps to putting the plugin in studio, and it worked once on a new starter place. However, when I opened up any other games, the plugin stopped working. I went and opened a new game again, but it was still broken. I thought I may have done something wrong, so I followed the steps listed on itch. I ran into the same scenario again. I thought reinstalling would possibly resolve the issue, but nothing I’ve tried has helped.
In post, I realized I should have been a little more descriptive as to what “broken” meant. The plugin opened in in studio, but when I clicked on the skyboxes, the option to apply them would not pop up.
Purchase receipt:
I would appreciate if you could offer some advice and or help because I was looking forward to using the plugin (not to mention I spent $30 dollars on it).
Thank you!
Hello! I’ve been having this issue myself and I’ve very little idea what actually causes it. You can right click on the Ribbon Bar and open the Preview window that way sometimes, but beyond that it’s a mystery to me too.
I’m working on rectifying this in future versions, but for the time being I don’t have much advice except for trying to disable and re-enable the plugin. I’ll probably move away from having a preview window floating like that anyway…
Out of curiosity, are you on the new docking beta?
This plugin will never get sales, 8000 is ridiculous
I’m sorry, this does not reflect the data found.
At the worst possible time, Atmos is doing great.
people are wasting 80 dollars for something they can easily make within 5 minutes or follow a quick youtube tutorial
In beta settings, I did not have “Updated Docking System” enabled. When I enabled it, the plugin worked again. Thus far, I have not run into any issues like before. I’ll let you know if I run into any!
30 dollars, or 150 robux if you was quick enough.
I have paid for the old atmos back then, did it received an update, or is it a new one?
Can you remove the annoying print statements when you run the game?
That’s inserted by Roblox because the old plugin framework uses an update checker based on requiring a module directly from the website. This isn’t fixable trivially - I’d have to implement a completely different update checker and ensure both forwards and backwards compatibility, at which point it’s too much effort given that the new framework used in Elttob Relight and Reclass doesn’t have these problems owing to a better fundamental design.