Attempt to use a YT handle for your channel URL results in a error

This is for every instance of social links, in-fact, the entire social link system has to be revisted as it has a very strict string matching system, for example group links can’t have www in them or a group name and you can’t use any YouTube links except those formatted the same as the legacy channel link way as you mention.

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Just want to make you aware that having a slash at the end of your url will have it error anyway, does the same for most other social links.

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I think most services don’t seem to handle @'s in URLs properly, only sites that really use them rn is Mastodon and YouTube, not a Roblox exclusive problem, but I hope this gets fixed soon.

Doesn’t really affect me that much, as I haven’t bothered changing from the legacy /c/ URLs.

Also, you don’t need ‘/channel’ in the URL, for example will work fine.

I know, I noticed this right after I had gotten my screenshot, that errors too.

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There’s no real point of using a playlist, just get your channel ID, besides the post you linked was for adding a video, where a playlist would be more effective with, not very effective with just a channel.


Thanks for the report. I filed a ticket to our internal database.


This also happens with Social Links on an experience.

Hoping this can be fixed soon as I am trying to add a YouTube channel to an experience.


Nothing has been adressed yet , that annoying


It is going to be almost a year we need this fix asap


Roblox, why did you not fix it after like 6 months???


This is STILL an issue, experimenting around with the link, it’s specifically the “@” that is causing the link to be invalid.


I cannot get any variation of a YouTube link to work. This is frustrating that this has gone unresolved for so long.

I cannot use the link with the channel ID. I cannot use a link to a playlist. I can’t even add as my YouTube social link. Nothing works anymore.

you need to put in this format ( or at least it worked for me ){user}

in my case:

This does not work for smaller / newer channels as they are not elegible for a url such as this one.

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This is outside the scope of this particular bug report which specifically refers to YouTube handles, perhaps consider supporting this topic: No longer permitted to save YouTube social links

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Until Roblox fixes it, you can solve this as follows:

You can get your channel ID in the “About” tab by clicking the share button. (1)

Seems like there might’ve been an attempted fix for this. Now it doesn’t cause an error, but it adds /user/ to the URL between the domain and the handle (which is a 404 page on YouTube). Note that by itself redirects to the channel of the signed-in user (or prompts you to sign in).

Youtube links are no longer accepted due to a Youtube change with how they handle Youtube channel URLs. Would love to have this fixed so I can link to a brands Youtube Channel.


Hello! We believe this should be fixed now. Could you please help to verify?



This has been fixed, thank you!

However, this hasn’t been fixed for group social links: