Best uncopylocked games to learn scripting?

Hello everyone, I was just scripting some random things and an idea came to mind. What if I used uncopylocked games to learn scripting? That is the main reason I’m here. I was wondering if anyone knew/has any working uncopylocked games I could use to learn even more? I couldn’t find any topics similar to this so help is really appreciated.


By simply looking through a script you won’t get experience, I would recommend to every beginner to look through Youtube tutorial channels (e.g. AlvinBlox), those channels will explain you how it works.

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I already have a decent understanding and would call myself an intermediate scripter, so I think I personally could learn from it just like I can learn from free models, but thanks for the feedback

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I agree with you to some extent but I think the main thing is to start small, like making parts change colors every second, then move on to bigger projects. Looking at code and watching others will only get you so far.


like I said on my other reply, I already know the basics.

I was asking because i wanna understand why people use a certain thing, and when they do use that thing.

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Looking at other people’s scripts may be very confusing. I recommend you not to learn scripting by looking at scripts that is already made since this is a bad practice. Even if you know the basics, you would have a hard time trying to understand other scripts.

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You shouldn’t look at uncopylocked games for their scripts, as the scripts can be outdated, use deprecated objects, etc. Try developing your own style of coding by scripting new things yourself. That will help you be more confident and have a better grasp on your scripting skills.


Yeah, go watch tutorials or something, or go to the DevHub.

In january i started learning scripting and i started to learn

math.huge --(INF)--
while true do
script.Parent.Black.Visible = true
wait (0.5)
script.Parent.Black.Visible = false
wait (0.3)
local P ="Part")
P.Transparency = 0.4
P.Name = "P"

local HL ="Highlight")
HL.Adornee = game.Workspace.P
HL.Parent = game.Workspace
HL.FillTransparency = 0.8
HL.FillColor =, 0.956863, 0.470588)
game.StarterGui.Example.TextLabelExample.Text = script.Text.Value

So far, this is what i’ve learned.

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Im surprised not one person has actually answered your question.

I personally have learned from the modules in the roblox templates, since i know i can trust them for reliable coding for the most part. Notably the race template and now the concert template.

There is also the new selfie module which is uncopylocked for you to learn from:

Hope this helps!


I’m going to go against the grain here and say I don’t think it’s a bad idea to look at code from existing games or models. As a developer you’re going to have to work with other people’s code and you’re going to have to understand what they did. Most of the time they’re too lazy to even comment – you can see this in many free model scripts now. I’m not saying this is the best way to learn how to program, but it will give you good practice, esp in deciphering other devs code. What I often do is look at scripts for several models and see how they differ. See the ways dif developers solved the problem. Sometimes I’ll create the script myself if there’s none I like but I’m not one to reinvent the wheel if it already exists. I think there are some yt vids on how to find uncopylocked games. Good luck!


You can get inspired in some related posts.

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best one

That is not true at all. You can get experience from trying to UNDERSTAND the code and how it works.

However, i do agree with the alvin blox part.

I disagree with this. Copying and pasting code, and then learning what to modify of it to fix any resulting bugs is one of the best ways to improve interpretation of lua.

There’s really no correct approach, everything is subjective. Everything comes from experience and it varies from person to person.