Better Indoor Reflections - Live for Future Lighting

Why was this feature downgraded overtime? (Examples being that the Indoor Dynamic Environment Maps were real-time, but are no longer functioning that way; and the odd lighting change of the Indoor Dynamic Environment Maps that came out of nowhere)


They were never real time, they were just well placed.

Is the beta setting’s the beta feature button? if yes then I dont actually see it… Here’s what I meant.

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My friend actually had a GIF of when they were real-time, it confused me when I saw it. (My computer saved it as an MP4 for some reason when I downloaded it)

Here’s what I was talking about:

The fact these were pretty stable and genuinely looked better compared to the final ones that fade in and out with no lighting applied to them is beyond me.


Must be using a modified version of it.

How your friend made real-time updating?

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He didn’t, it was simply like that during the beta.

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That’s probably because eager bulk execution was enabled in studio setting. Doing it in games will affect frame rate. It’s never designed to be real time.

It should be optional, therefore it could be used for games like Showcases. I’d be weird seeing a realistic showcase with a pixelated laggy mirror, doesn’t fit in.


This should be an optional feature for Future Technology but I also suggest that the Reflection Entity should not be forced in the middle of the room but rather as be moveable with scripts or manually.

You should also be able to insert this not as a lighting feature but a workspace feature to make it moveable in the workspace similar to an attachment. Source SDK for csgo also allows this for maps where you can add reflection entities that only reflect the closest to the player.

And you should maybe allow them to update instantly if the graphics settings is set to max and maybe allow the selection of models that should not be reflected. A ton of computers can run this and can be very well optimised by developers. Space Screen Reflections is what roblox is missing to make it one of the most realistic game engines.


Is there planned release date when the known issues get fixed? I get really annoyed by the low quality and other known issues to.

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The indoor reflections don’t always work, I had to purposely take pictures of the interior and then place them as a skybox to make it work. How do I fix that?


You can’t, roblox stupidly made the reflections automated so you can do ACTUALLY NOTHING to change them.


They are forcing a bad ugly thing on us that makes Future lighting worse? Oh no, not surprised.

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You can probably fix this by using multiple lights near each other and confuse the engine into not giving you the reflections, it happened to the image too so I had to use a skybox of the interior I made.

The thing about the reflections is that it follows your camera on in my experience a random interval changes the reflections no matter how many lights are inside an interior.

They should allow us to set what part it reflects around. Like car part, Camera or Actual attachment

True, and let us place the reflection points manually like the ancient source engine that valve still uses for CS:GO that is older than Roblox itself.


Can we have more control over it?
Different map for each part and not the same for everything in the room?
It also ruined some of my games with a custom skybox, being able to turn it off would be helpful.


Knowing roblox, they won’t do that, but if so, a good thing should be to allow high-quality reflections on maximum quality and if the player is on lower quality, the quality of the reflections goes down.