Better Indoor Reflections - Live for Future Lighting

Knowing roblox, they won’t do that, but if so, a good thing should be to allow high-quality reflections on maximum quality and if the player is on lower quality, the quality of the reflections goes down.


cmon roblox you guys were able to listen to the community regarding the planned forced material replacement update and decided to roll back the update in order to implement properly customizable material libraries to preserve old materials while still being able to add new ones…
surely you could pull this feature out momentarily and re-release it later on when it’s actually properly implemented? it’s been over half a year and literally no-one has provided any kind of solution that could fix nor bypass the feature
all the community’s been asking for ever since this feature has been live was either the ability to have more control over it or the option to disable it completely due to it breaking game scripts that were already able to do the job this feature was meant to do except with much more control and in most cases provide a better overall solution to real time adaptive skybox reflections regardless whether it’s indoors or outdoors
pushing a ‘vision’ or convenience that produces somewhat half-baked results that also sacrifices end-user control serves almost no-one other than whoever it is that decided upon this direction/vision as seen within the replies/feedback surrounding this topic from those who are actually affected by this and are able to see the flaws and problems this feature has caused


need for speed underground 1 already had good reflections, 2003 year, while roblox can’t get ssr for materials “perfomance issue” You added ssr to water reflection 6 years ago, hardware changed alot in this 6 years, but you gonna still say “We can’t get it because it will run smoothly only at high end pc”


At this point they should just make separate versions of the clients for low-end devices, mid-end and high-end.


They kinda do. The graphics feature in settings is easily adjustable for device requirements.


This is amazing! I’ve been waiting for a proper reflections for years now and it is finally a thing

at this point roblox devs should do normal graphics settings (not a stupid blue slider), like i want to get far distance but low quality textures/effects, but i can’t do that, that will fix EVERYTHING ABOUT LOW END


Is it possible in the future that we will have outdoor reflections? I wanna create something city related, it would be cool to have all the lights from the environments reflecting off of the glass just like Tokyo.


Yeah! I totally agree. It’ll make showcase games a lot better in my opinion! :smiling_face:

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Please, give users fine grain control. Let us control the location of reflection probes, the range of them, the transition speed, transition type, and if they are enabled or not (I know you can do that with the specular slider, but that is not how it should be).


Lights reflecting off the glass? haha no, the current reflections have low quality and don’t update in real time, so the lights you’re talking about would be visible if you were to walk inside a building and only after 5-10 seconds it would update to show the inside.


are custom cubemaps planned,like in the hammer editor with skyboxes?


From what I’ve read, no, they aren’t planned anytime soon since Roblox realllyyyy likes to automate everything that shouldn’t be automated in the first place.


Sorry for the very, very late reply, but it appears that the Future lighting technology is relatively slow after this. FPS drops from 60 down to 15-20.

Setting graphics quality does not increase performance unless it is down to 2.

Setting technology to any of the others greatly increases performance. Future lighting technology was way less performance heavy when it came out, and this seems to be the cause.

Anyways, setting EnvironmentSpecularScale and EnvironmentDiffuseScale both to 0 do not disable this feature.

Is anyone else experiencing this or is it just me?


So the update creates low quality environment maps and kills performance! Yayyyy!

Sorry my post is out of date, they fixed most of those performance issues now. The problem now lies with the 2022 PBR textures, so disabling them might help.

(PBR still doesn’t disable automatically if you set some of the required values to 0 though)

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