Better privacy for user outfits

As a Roblox user, I’m currently affected by privacy concerns with user outfits being publicly exposed to all players on Roblox through web apis, such as the ones displayed on the Avatar API.

While this isn’t as much of a concern for most, it is a bit unnerving that Roblox allows any user to scrape the information, such as the name and details, for an outfit I created which as a typical roblox user, seems to be completely private as there’s no way to view them outside of your personal customizing avatar page that only you can see.

Even though you obviously shouldn’t, you may enter personal details through the name, as it could help you identify the outfit. For example, on one of my older accounts when I was younger, I set the name of an outfit my cousin made for me by their name, because I expected it to be safe as only I could view it.

It’s sadly even more accessible with these “Outfit Viewer” games, where they allow you view the outfits of any user on Roblox. I’ve seen people go in and just casually search up random users on the website, including me, and snoop around. I’m lucky that I understand these aren’t so private now, but I can’t say the same for others who are unaware.

Anyone is currently able to view my friend’s outfits (@MyNameWasTakenWhaThe) - their inventory is currently private. I asked, and they didn’t care for this either.

It would be essential to many of us if these APIs still remain publicly accessible, but give us some way to hide them from the public, such as this privacy setting:



i mean I get what you mean, but I think its pretty harmless I dont think they should be able to do this but at the same time i dont really see what they could do with your avatar thats negative.


I really do agree here. It seems harmless


I really don’t see how this is a concern, people can’t do anything bad with an avatar. Concealing your avatar just doesn’t make sense… If you don’t want to be shown then don’t have an avatar? (No offense by any means)


This would be very appreciated if Roblox can add more Privacy Options such as this one.
Yes it doesn’t do harm but some people just don’t like their Outfits from being seen at all.


I personally wouldn’t even mind that outfits themselves can be viewed but the fact that their names are also viewable is majorly privacy invading for players.


At first, I thought these were actually private, as there’s no indication on the website they are public (and also correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s no way to access it from the site).


I would argue you are missing the point here - there is no indication given to users that their outfits are publicly accessible. This isn’t about the reasons why they might want their outfits kept private so much as it is about reality defying expectations.


Avatar games and outfit loaders on Roblox

Even if there is no indication given that outfits can be viewed in games that let you do so, it shouldn’t matter as long as you aren’t making anything inappropriate. They’re made to be seen by others most of the time, right?

If you’re using personal information to label things online, then you shouldn’t be doing that to begin with unless you’re on LinkedIn or some other business website.


The problem here is that there’s no indication, as they appear to be completely private and only the owner of the account can view them. This isn’t the case with games that access our outfits without our permission. It isn’t clear these are super easy to access. This is a privacy-centered request.

Lots of users simply don’t want the entire world to see their saved outfits, and I primarily made this request since I’ve had people go through my outfits with these outfit viewer games without my permission, and sometimes they use it as a way to try and bully/mock users, which I’ve had happen to me. I have old and embarrassing outfits which I don’t want anyone but me to see.

Another reason for me personally is that it’s easier for developers or users with high valued inventories (and prefer to not have it super open) to be targets since lots of us have outfits with expensive items, even if we may not own them anymore. I don’t want people going through these outfits, it’s the same reason I may not want people snooping around in my inventory, whether it be high-valued assets or game assets I don’t want stolen.

It would be nice to see a larger breakdown of assets at this point, as some of us would like to trade, but keep our game assets private, and maybe we only want our friends to see our outfits, without making compromises.


Adding up something to this, it would also help if people who views your Profile Page on Roblox that they can’t see what clothing you are currently wearing (since it makes it easier for people to copy you).

There has been 2 times where people copied my avatar (including just today) and it has been bugging me.


Heavily vouch for this, I’ve been a victim of this, especially since my outfit and username was used inappropriately alongside being called names, this has brought me distress and a panic attack where I had to consult my parents and my detective/emotional support agent to calm down, please add this, it’s for greater good and increases safety I don’t wanna consult my detective/emotional support agent every time something like this happens to me.
The only way I can stop my outfits from being used is having to deactivate my account, which leads to further problems.


All purchased bundles include an un-editable outfit, which is how you “equip” the bundle in the avatar editor (under Characters > Purchased, or Head and Body > Heads).

Roblox actually recently made it so that you can’t view a user’s purchased outfits if their inventory is private! Could they extend this to user-created outfits as well?


Update about this, people are now deliberately impersonating me to pose as me to do exactly what the videos were portraying me as and I can’t even do anything but contact authorities about this issue, since roblox staff won’t even ban the person who did the videos originally even after me reporting them.
Community standards clearly prohibit of sexualizing minors but can’t even do anything to prevent that.


This is still pretty relevant to this day, I truly believe if this feature were to be implemented, these stolen avatar games would cease and then Roblox would once again start to promote originality on the platform in some form, as nobody will be able to copy one another when the newer outfit trends peak. (If any were to possibly arise from this personal attack on unoriginal stealers)

I’m hoping since they’re starting to introduce more privacy features something like this would come to light, and I still hope it does this year or the next, outfits deserve privacy, especially in this age where originality is the worst thing to happen to people.


Yesterday, I found out that the same person has uploaded once again the same videos with my previous outfits, three videos in a single day, causing my friend list to be flooded with people I don’t know, I tried contacting roblox support and they refused to help me because they said it’s off-platform despite me directly linking the offending users who are USING roblox resources to sexualize me, I’m now forced to put this in my bio.


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Just ignore them

Extra characters

Im going to bump this again, given an incident that happened recently (which should’ve called out but thats not the point)

The outfits API should respect inventory privacy, the fact it doesn’t, gives scrapers, harassers and scammers free ammo to better target people.

Lets take the recent “hi can i buy your avatar” scam, normally, most people would write this off as a scam, as they do, but what if the message was changed to, “hi can i buy you avatar X from your outfits”, again, most people would write it off, but the targetting can make more people fall for it

please roblox


This is an ever growing issue that is seemingly being used to target and harass people, ive seen many people within roblox communities make fun or shame another user for having a saved outfit that my show or hint at them being LGBTQ+, a furry or of a specific nationality.
Despite some people seeing it as a harmless thing, there is a deeper rabbithole that makes this a genuine privacy concern.
I have seen games like clone games use your outfits for you to have a variety of characters, so some steps could be taken such as:

  • Making games request manual permission as in the form of a popup to request saved outfit access
  • Making the “who can see my inventory” feature effect who the API limits that can see the user’s saved outfits.