Beyond The Blox - Developer Podcast

I actually really wanted a roblox developer podcast! I am definitely going to listen to it! This is awesome!


asimo3089 prefers to remain private, incl. voice. I have tried to get in touch with @badcc a couple of times - maybe a sneaky tag here will help :stuck_out_tongue:

Regarding Adopt Me!, I think that’s a good idea. I’ve already proposed an episode to the systems engineer but I’ll see if I can get in contact with other members of the team soon too!

Thanks for the suggestions :slight_smile:


How does this go about? Like is it in a Discord call?

All the episodes so far have been on a discord call, however the guest records their own audio and the delay due to the internet is carefully removed.

Hopefully at events like RDC 2020 and smaller meetups we can get some in-person interviews too as conversation tends to flow better when you can see the other person.


Beyond the blox interviews would be great at London, or where ever RDC 2020 EU is. Speaking of which, I’m going to apply!


Happy 2020! :tada: I know it’s a bit late, but we are back on track with recording and preparing these episodes thanks to the amazing @Alvin_Blox who has helped by hosting two episodes of Beyond The Blox as a guest host!

The first of these is available to listen to right now, featuring special guest @boatbomber, creator of Lua Learning and developer of many open source projects.

Listen to the podcast on Anchor or on YouTube:

And check out boatbomber’s projects here:



Boat deserved this, he’s a great guy and a great friend.


It’s that time of the week again!

Episode 11 is now available featuring special guest @SteadyOn, creator of many games including Bakery Tycoon and Clueless, as well as his new game tracking service RTrack.

As with episode 10, @Alvin_Blox kindly stepped in to host this one.

Listen to the episode on Anchor or on YouTube:

And check out SteadyOn’s previous projects here:


Wow! This is so cool! I’m listening to the steadyOn one right now :slight_smile:


The latest episode featuring @evaera is now available to listen to on Anchor, YouTube and your favourite podcast apps!

evaera is the creator of RoVer, Systems Engineer for Adopt Me!, one of the devs from the City of Rolantis (Aquaman event) and has created some epic open source libraries that I’m sure nearly every developer has a use for!

Listen in your favourite podcast app, or listen on YouTube below, and check out her work when you’ve finished listening!



So, just revisited the episode with @boatbomber, and I’m not very much regretting buying access to the roblox developer school or whatever it’s called (I haven’t used it since I first went in, so I don’t even remember what it’s called), and it had all these things that said “new things at x amount of likes” and because of these things, it had very bad ratings about 3 months after I bought it. I don’t know what that developer was thinking, but I MUCH prefer your program.

Boatbomber, I thank you for bringing this game to roblox


Since this is in a Discord call, am I allowed to use my phone? My headset mic broke unfortunately.

I have sent a private message to you, looking forward to a reply!

I’ve listened to all of them so far and the insight into the lives and workflow of all these different individuals is so amazing. It’s nice to have such a professional podcast revolving around ROBLOX at our fingertips. Fantastic job with the production, can’t wait for more!


Does Anchor require download on PC? Looking to start a podcast, but don’t really want to download anything

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No, you can record online if you want to do it in Anchor (or through the app) or you can do what I do which is make the whole thing offline in Audacity, export it, and then just upload one long clip.

Depends whether you want to treat Anchor as a recording and editing platform or simply as a distributor.


It’s a bit later than I hoped (virus and university chaos getting in the way), but Episode 13 is now available featuring @EgoMoose!

Give it a listen on your favourite podcast app, or on YouTube!


@BanTech I like what you are doing here, your content educates your audience while featuring Developers and giving them recognition and exposure, however I think it’s time to step up into the big league and go beyond!

You should be interviewing Top Developers on Roblox as well; I’m pretty sure we can agree that we are very interested in what they have to say

Thank you for your hard work

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What do you mean by Top Developers? People who make the front page? If so, i agree with it, because, let’s be honest, we all want to know how to turn popular on roblox! :wink:

I was on recently finally and I think things went really well. We’ll see what ya’ll think once it’s finished up & posted though. :sweat_smile:

If you have the time & don’t mind chatting a bit, definitely apply to become an episode!