Blade - A free to use dashboard for open access to data about Roblox games

I’m not sure if there’s a good method I can use to track or estimate revenue for VIP servers, but if you have any suggestions do let me know.

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Can you please show game rating % as one of the charts? Seeing likes or dislikes on their own chart or whatever you have as “like rating” isn’t very useful.

game rating % = likes / (dislikes + likes)

If you added game rating % and showed data from a larger range (say a week) then this is something that I would have up in our office 24/7

Also auto-update?


I’m currently rewriting the UI to be a lot cleaner, and as part of that auto-update will become a proper thing (with the ability to automatically show specific charts).

I’m going to experiment with game rating % and see if I can do it using a new method. Google Cloud Platform is having some bad issues right now, but I’ll see what I can do

Game Rating % (aka Like Percent) is in production on all games.


Also another question: Does the gamepass revenue account for if the prices were changed? Because if a gamepass was, say, 100 Robux and got 2,000 sales in a week, then changed to 500 Robux and got 200 sales in a week, 2,200 * 500 = 1,100,000 Robux is obviously vastly different to the correct result of 300,000 Robux.

It will account for this as long as blade started tracking the game before the price change.

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A lot better than what I could do by hand. I used to calculate gamepass revenue by hand and it takes forever, and I couldn’t even account at all for price changes. This is an amazing tool.

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@IntegerUnderflow doesn’t seem very granular?


It’s important to be able to track the smallest change in percent. Please don’t round it if that’s what you’re doing. A .5% change is pretty massive.

My game currently has a 0.96558996879% rating but it’s exactly 96.0 according to the graph. Please display the exact un-rounded value produced by likes / (dislikes + likes)

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That’s the default configuration, I’ll see if I can make the chart be a bit more precise, I think its google charts trying to be helpful and instead making things worse.

If all else fails, multiply the percent by 1000 or something. That number would make more sense than the Like Score graph.

Very cool!

Is there a “leaderboard” page that will show me a sorted list of the most popular games? I’m interested in an AppAnnie-style reporting system where I can go back in time and find the highest-ranked game from a certain month (or time span) in the past. This could be useful to devs also, to track the historic rank of their games. Ranking is more useful (arguably) than raw visit/money stats for determining if your game is getting more or less popular, since Roblox itself is growing so fast (i.e. maintaining the same number of visits over several months might seem good, but you are actually losing popularity).

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You can see the live data at and if you sign up for an account on, you can see 20 rather than 10 at

You can also see a custom amount on top using (restricted per above restrictions) and you can sort by different metrics that current active players using ?sort, for example - The full list of sort parameters is in this thread.

For the historical data, I don’t current store the ranks of games past the current live states, but I could definitely extend blade to do this. I’m assuming what you’d like is the ability to see a graph of the top X games by rank over time?


It would be great if you do this!

Should be sorted now :slight_smile:

Already an amazing tool, but it would be cool if there were navigation buttons somewhere so that I could get to sorts easier like top 10 or top 20. Not necessary, but would make it a lot easier to use.

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When you see that both jailbreak and bloxburg made over 2B+ robux which is like 8M USD. oof


Blade just passed over 500 active games being tracked at once, never thought it would come so far in under a month!

We now have a Discord server for those so inclined, available at - We’ve got a service status channel included (which can ping you if you opt in if theres any service disruptions) and we have a channel that posts a message every time blade detects like and dislike botting (player botting coming soon!) You can also interact with other users and reach me quickly for any feedback or support.


What are you using to host it? For serverless, I personally prefer Firebase Functions and Cloudflare Workers.

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Blade’s on Google Cloud Platform

You can now sort the top10 and top20 by highest or lowest, for example

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