Blade - A free to use dashboard for open access to data about Roblox games

Blade has a snazzy new UI, now available for all games:


  1. Does it have dark mode?
    You bet is has dark mode :sunglasses:

  2. What’s new (past looking nicer)?
    Have an account? See the historical revenue and sales data for games, product by product.

  3. I want to use the old UI
    First off, please tell me why / what needs to be in the new UI for you to prefer that, second, just go to /gamev1/ID rather than /game/ID


Really nice update! Now it feels more professional. I personally love the dark mode and I think it is really interesting to see the revenues from specific GamePass. Overall, the more there is the better it is!

I see that there will be a Premium option too. I am wondering what will be the price for that?

The price is not firmly decided yet, but it’s looking to be about 5 USD a month, hopefully this will help offset (and eventually cover) the server costs

Fine, I do agree it is a good idea to charge for some Premium features as you kinda need to pay those servers. I’m not sure I would personally pay 5 USD every month. It depends what the Premium has to offer that we can’t have anywhere else.
I would still probably try it for a month to encourage you as I really enjoy the website so far. I actually use it every day! :smile:

Between, I found a little glitch: When I double clic GAME HEALTH for example, the content appears twice on the page.

The bug you’ve mentioned has been fixed, you may need to purge your browser’s cache to get the update with the patch.

The “Monetisation” tab seems to break the page. After selecting this tab, you cannot switch to another without refreshing the page:

Device: Nokia 9 Pureview
Browser: Chrome 75.0.3770.143
OS: Android 9

Can confirm the same happens to me!

The site is taking forever to load. I have left it to load for 10 minutes and all I see is this:

I tried clearing cache to no avail. I’m on PC using Google Chrome.

Edit: Disabling AdBlock for the site fixed it

Can confirm this has also happened to me numerous times, except monetisation completely doesn’t load.

Anything in the developer console? (Right click, inspect, console)

Thanks for the report, I think I’ve spotted the bug and I’m deploying a fix now, should be fixed in ETA 5 minutes (may require your browser cache being cleared).

EDIT: Fixed

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
It looks like you're using the development build of the Firebase JS SDK.
When deploying Firebase apps to production, it is advisable to only import
the individual SDK components you intend to use.

For the CDN builds, these are available in the following manner
(replace <PACKAGE> with the name of a component - i.e. auth, database, etc):<PACKAGE>.js

(anonymous) @ breadcrumbs.ts:111
/favicon.ico:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
helpers.ts:109 Uncaught ReferenceError: switchTabToMonetization is not defined
    at Object.setupPage [as success] (blade.js:53)
    at c (jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2)
    at l (jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2)
    at XMLHttpRequest.sentryWrapped (helpers.ts:85)
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That’s really weird, it means the file isn’t even being loaded by your browser, can you try clearing your cache and trying again?

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I cleared cookies and site data for the website but it still isn’t working.

However, if I use incognito mode, it works fine. It’s going to be annoying having to open incognito mode all the time though. Any way to fix this?

That’s really weird, I’ll be honest I’m not sure why its happening to you, if you find anything more that could help do let me know. What browser are you using?

You can now have blade automatically update itself every 5 minutes, you can use this to display blade on a TV screen or etc :slight_smile:

I’m using Google Chrome Version 76.0.3809.87 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I tried looking through the dev console, and I found this:

I hope it helps

Edit: Disabling AdBlock for the site fixed it

Just want to reply back on thread to let anyone else with the same problem know, we’ve found out that the Adblock extension sometimes blocks monetization.js, you can either whitelist that file (url: or you can disable adblock on blade.

Blade now tracks average playtime for all games, you can see an example of it here under the Engagement tab:

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A very interesting figure of games