[BLEND] Lowpoly Factory

Hey guys, I put together a little lowpoly factory, It was really fun trying to keep to time being that it was a 15 minute model off, I hope you guys enjoy. It’s un-textured so feel free to make your own texture, I’ve parented a lot of the part, If you press L on certain meshes in edit mode, you’ll be able to select just that. If you do decide to import this to ROBLOX, this building can stand as a visual or just a prop in-game; feel free to make any changes and modify the building. I’d appreciate if you took time to watch the speed build as well! :smiley:
3,420 Verts | 6,466 Tris | 6,508 Edges

Here’s the link to the speed modeling video I put together! Speed Modeling Video, I hope you guys do find this useful!
FactorySpeedModel.blend (742.1 KB)


That looks really good! You should import it into Roblox and add colors to it.

EDIT: I didn’t realize this was in #resources , I thought this was #help-and-feedback.


I’m watching the video, and confused on how at https://youtu.be/GXY2vFHX7KU?t=59 you managed to scale the entire thing outward? What keys did you pressed to scale each object out? When I try it I can scale only in one direction.


You can scale on any axis, (X, Y, Z) So, on your keyboard hit “SX” “SY” “SZ”

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But when scaling, it only lets me scale in global directions.

What version of blender are you using? I’m sure you can still scale on an axis in 2.82 or 2.83

Some version of 2.8. 2.81a is my version/

Nevermind I was using the wrong key.

Ooo, no problemo! Glad it works now!!!

Wow, nice job! This is pretty impressive and nice.

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can you include the .obj? I don’t have blender.

Good job man, beatifull factory