Bloxy Translating Association

I meant 1R$ per word not 1,500R$, but a simple 1R$.

If you read the entire Ro-Market post I am sure I posted that I don’t care about being as big as HD.

  1. I’m not a translator just a Secretary and Team Manager/Helper
  2. We do have 3 translators not including me

We’d be glad to do business with you.

New Translator!!! :smiley:

We have now hired a new Native Turkish Translator. Now we have 2 Turkish Translators and a Arabic Translator as well as a Portuguese Translator and Spanish Translator and French Translator.

Congratulations to @Hexlinee!!!

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Do you have any previous examples of translations you’ve done in the past? With all due respect, without any form of credibility built up it’s rather difficult to consider this an legitimate translation service.

Yes, my portfolio.

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:confetti_ball: Weekly Offer :confetti_ball:

Order 100 or more words and get 10% more then what you paid for!!! Remember to tell me this code that I store on a Trello: “WO%10”.

Valid During July 23rd to July 27th.

10% more words? Dude, most people send in all the words they want to be translated. Adding extra words isn’t an offer, really, and you haven’t addressed any of our points.

  • As I’ve said, how is this any better than going to the translators directly? @PancakelsHim’s portfolio (one of your translators) shows his rates for translating are actually a third of what you guys charge .
  • As @RipperGFX linked and said, this is your 3rd huge project, yet the 2 before this haven’t shown any growth or certainty. You may have not stated you wanted to be as big as HD, but you will compete against them in that type of developer market. In that thread, many lambasted you over your points and promises. In fact, you tried to say at one point that your service is superior to HD because you’re “scam-free”, guaranteed, then you said that “nothing can be guaranteed in life.” In your The Roblox post, you promised a prototype within a week. It’s been over a week now. Where’s the prototype? Additionally, you actually tried to reach out to animation creators, such as ForeverHD, to use their videos, when we haven’t seen any concrete plan. These countless issues are hurting on your end.
  • As @PurpSinister said in his advice, you should probably start anew. Your reputation, unfortunately, is tarnished due to these projects. You’re the “talk-the-talk” guy. You say big ideas, you promise things, but you don’t deliver, or your ideas are even flawed. He also said that being the middleman is a terrible strategy, as it shows how little trust is in the team.
  • Even your deal you just mentioned shows how little you know about how translation commissions work. People will send in words in their game so they can be translated, for international players to have an easier time playing the game. Adding in extra words doesn’t help at all. They don’t have a use.

Seriously, think about what you’re doing, and improve upon it.

EDIT: I’ve been corrected on the deal, but still, I think it’s best for you to reply to the criticism, so we know what you’re gonna improve on.

I have one question for you and that is why do you think I ignore your criticism? I don’t ignore it and instead I listen and appreciate it.

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Many of you suggested we lower the pricing so now it is officially lowered to 1R$/Word. If your confused about the offer here is an example:
Game Has 1000 Words
You Pay 900R$
We Translate 1000 Words

  1. Why do you think I have a small chance of becoming successful?
  2. Who said I failed?

Topic Updates :bookmark:

I’ve updated the topic recently and I’d suggest you read it because it includes important hiring information.

I claimed you might’ve tarnished your reputation, I never claimed you can’t become successful. Anyone is capable of becoming successful however it’s not possible to achieve without acknowledging where improvement is necessary, understanding why some of the clients opposed your services.

If you don’t believe you’ve failed than disregard everything I’ve stated above. If you believe it’s possible to manage 3 projects without side tracking yourself or becoming overwhelmed then by all means continue. It’s your choice to take my advice into consideration or to disregard it entirely, do whatever you feel is best for you.

Regardless of everything I’ve stated earlier, Bloxy Translating has potential if everything goes smoothly as you’ve portrayed it to be. However… I cannot stress enough that if hypothetically your team failed to satisfy a consumer 100%, you would be held accountable. So please be wary of who you work with, make sure you’re confident to consider them a business associate. I want you to succeed yet you cannot be oblivious to the risks behind running a service.

In the future I may consider using this service, so till then best of luck to you

Thank you for your advice. To be honest, I have disregarded some of it, but I’ve taken most of it into consideration


I’d like to announce that we may offer in the near future a free 500 Words in a language of your choice in order to gain good reviews.

:smiley: Attention Customers!! :shopping_cart:

We recommend you join our Discord server to contact us easily. The benefits of joining our server are discount codes and other cool things!!!

Server: Discord

I left the association due to some problems I had with the association.

You stated to us that you left the association because of all the bad comments people are giving us.

This project is now closed and we’ll n9 longer continue accepting offers. The reason will not be discussed.

I think it is a big problem about the association. Isn’t it?