Brand New Bubble Chat Customizations

I don’t understand why the parameter “partOrCharacter” for Chat:Chat() can’t just accept an attachment as an adornee. I still can’t use attachments as adornees by passing in my character with AdorneeName being set properly because “partOrCharacter is not a legal character”. What do I have to do?


I feel like horror and myth game developers are going to love this update, but my only complaint would be not being able to move the position of bubble chat to somewhere else, like having it be in front of the player for like quote system in a game, like the winning player in a round game, I don’t know what, can say something, and a special bubble would appear in front of them.

Overall, this is a great feature, and a long awaited one, though it will be hard to learn.

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You should add tail width, it would be pretty useful.


Does anybody have any ideas why I am getting this odd effect for bubbles above the local player? The distance that the chat bubble floats above the player’s head varies wildly when the camera is moved - even going off-screen at times.

robloxapp-20210527-1655316.wmv (2.2 MB)

My game uses a custom camera script and is R6, perhaps it is related to one of those things. This only happens once I’ve set BubbleChatEnabled to true (my game still seems to have the old bubble chat, even with BubbleChatEnabled set to false, which works normally).
Also this is only happening on the local player - other players work fine.

Edit: This was caused by a part parented to the local character (used for fog in my case) that follows the camera’s position. The new bubble chat tries to appear at the top of the character’s model - and since the part on the camera was parented to the character it was trying to appear above that as well.


I like this update, its much better in my opinion. Maybe soon in the future you can add 3-D bubble chat.

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Wow this is really cool, I love it!

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This is awesome! I’m excited to use it in my games, but is there a way to change the transparency of just the bubble, and still keep the text at 0 transparency? Currently, changing the transparency of the bubble also changes the transparency of the text, but I don’t want the text on top of anything. Similar to how it’s done in Old School Runescape, if you’re familiar.


Heyy! this is going to be amazing! :star_struck:


There has already been a fix released for this, not by Roblox, so by manually editing a forked version of Bubble chat can solve this issue.

However, yes, Roblox hadn’t rolled out this fix and instead offers this.


It’s nice that this is easier to do now. I never really understood how to customize bubble chat… I just used this to make a “dark mode” for chat bubbles when it turns night time and it looks like it works real time, even changing previous chat bubbles with it.

Can we also get a feature to change the background transparency separately from the text transparency? I don’t see the use of changing the transparency of both at once. I’m also still having issues with chat bubbles cutting off the last letter or word of a message.


add a feature that lets you set the chat (when 2 lines) to center, left or right.


Love the new customization abilities! Would it be possible to have Chat:SetBubbleChatSettings() API updated with the possible customizations? When viewing the API documentation for Chat API it’s impossible to find the bubble chat tutorial.


Can I customize chat bubbles for specific players only?


also nice update btw, I just wanted this feature to be a thing and now it did!


I am really excited for this update, 10/10 update.


This post was published at the perfect time. Today I was asked to script a bubble chat by my commissioner with transparent background. I tried changing transparency and it changed the whole bubble’s transparency. Then I saw this post and found out about background images. Then I thought, “Wait what if I use a transparent image” - and I did it. The result was exactly what I wanted.


Image I used as background


If you want transparent background too, just add these lines to your LocalScript that sets bubble chat settings.

local settings = {
	TailVisible = false,
	BackgroundImage = {
		Image = "rbxassetid://6875994437",
		ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit,


I think this update is really good! It doesn’t effect the game/experiences in a bad way. Well done Roblox!


how i configure this on my roblox?



Bubble Chat Tutorial

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Yes, if you need a easier time with it I recommend my recent update to my free community resource as well, check my profile for it! it uses the new bubbles without as much setup on the users side!

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