Brick Detail Generator | Improve the quality of your builds with a just few clicks!

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Brick Gen Banner

Hello Developers! I made a fully customizable brick generator plugin that can instantly improve the quality of your builds. With just a few clicks you can easily add brick details like this:

Brick Example 1

Best part is that these bricks cannot generate on top of each other so you can spam it as much as you want on a part and wont have to worry about overlapping bricks!

Because of this its recommended you generate corner bricks before generating normal bricks because the corner bricks will skip a layer if theres a brick in the way. You have full control and you can change the thickness, amount of bricks, the distance between bricks, and more!

To set the color and material just select a part with the material and color you want then press “Set Color/Material” to set it! Here is an example of this:

And for those with larger projects who want to use different presets for different buildings I made it incredibly easy to save and load brick presets so you dont have to retype them everytime!

With this plugin you can easily make your builds look a lot better! If you want to get your hands on this plugin yourself simply click on the blue download button below!

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This plugin is a feature taken from a multi-tool plugin that includes over 10+ plugins all in one. I decided to make it its own plugin as a cheaper alternative for those who only want this feature specifically. If you are interested in the plugin it came from (which offers a much better deal) you can view it here: Yoolurs Builder v2 (10+ Plugins in one!)


I’m not a builder, but this looks incredibly useful! Great job, and good job at pumping all these unique building plugins out so fast!