BridgeNet | Insanely optimized, easy-to-use networking library full of utilities, now with roblox-ts! | v1.9.9-beta

How do I get BrisgeNet 2? There is no rbxm on the GitHub page.

I only have 1 release on Wally at the moment,. because BridgeNet2 is very unstable and subject to change.


I used the bridgenet version 2 module for a little while, I was remaking knit via bridgenet i seem to have found some missing features
I know the module isnt final, but I’d work on invoke requests, and the way that firing to client works rn is very obscure and irritating to get around, would personally change that, as well as remembering to return connections so we can do stuff like :Destroy and :Once!!
Love the changes to the module though, such a nice way to get around roblox’ horrid networking
Keep at it, excited for new release.
I ended up using 2.0.0rc4 of bridgenet 1 to make my knit remake
works perfect however the invoking logic in bridgenet 1 is kind of :nauseated_face:

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This is definitely going to be a finished feature when I do end up finishing BridgeNet2/

Unfortunately this isn’t easily possible without performance loss- I’ll see how much performance is lost here and see if the trade-off is worth it or not. I’m debating it at the moment

True honestly

You can use signal modules like fastsignal. It normally has more speed than rbxeventsignals

This is a pretty good signal module

Have you got any typings for Roblox-TS for bridgenet2? Want to start using it in my project.

I’m a little concerned why your ping is like 6 seconds

Can BridgeNet be used alongside the SignalBehavior Deferred option while expecting the same benefits as using it with the SignalBehavior Immediate option?

I am eagerly awaiting BridgeNet 2, this module seems incredibly promising for all of us fighting the uphill battle against roblox’s slow remotes


Any updates on this yet? I am eager to make use of this when it comes out.


May we please have an update on your progress with BridgeNet2? I am halting my development until you finish a stable release. Do you also have an estimated release time?

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From now on, As I know, There is no way to determine whether the client is ready. I’ve experienced it when I call an event when the player joins. It can cause an issue in initiating a client correctly. IT MUST BE FIXED. (If I am wrong or There is already API with it, Please reply!)

isn’t that something you should be coding instead? its not like the server knows natively when the client is ready, you have to script it to let the server know client self is ready.

Can’t you just use a player added event that fires a remote named client ready or something?

Implementation could be required for user comfort. It will be used very lot. Invoke might be good, but for security concerns, an event will do for it.

IIRC bridgenet2 has a feature where it sort of saves your event calls that are targeted towards loading players, and then fire them when the player is finally loaded.

That’s cool. I’ll change it after the full release. Thanks

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me and the boys waiting for bridgenet2 to drop


when will bridgenet2 drop, @N0tKep and i want to know