From now on, As I know, There is no way to determine whether the client is ready. I’ve experienced it when I call an event when the player joins. It can cause an issue in initiating a client correctly. IT MUST BE FIXED. (If I am wrong or There is already API with it, Please reply!)
isn’t that something you should be coding instead? its not like the server knows natively when the client is ready, you have to script it to let the server know client self is ready.
Can’t you just use a player added event that fires a remote named client ready or something?
Implementation could be required for user comfort. It will be used very lot. Invoke might be good, but for security concerns, an event will do for it.
IIRC bridgenet2 has a feature where it sort of saves your event calls that are targeted towards loading players, and then fire them when the player is finally loaded.
That’s cool. I’ll change it after the full release. Thanks
me and the boys waiting for bridgenet2 to drop
is there a tutorial for using BridgeNet V2 or V1 it would be really helpfull.
here are the thingies simplified if you speak remote events/functions
CreateBridge ->"RemoteEvent and Function")
- Stuff in the client
:Connect -> RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent
:Fire -> RemoteEvent:FireServer()
:OnInvoke -> RemoteFunction.OnClientInvoke
:InvokeServerAsync -> RemoteFunction:InvokeServer()
- Stuff in the server
:FireAll -> RemoteEvent:FireAllClients()
:FireTo -> RemoteEvent:FireClient()
:OnInvoke -> RemoteFunction.OnServerInvoke
:Connect -> RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent
:❒❒❒❒❒❒ -> RemoteFunction:InvokeClient()
Please use BridgeNet2. Thanks!
i don’t know how to use it because the documentation is unfinished
According to the maintainer, hopefully, documentation for the client and server bridges should be coming out tomorrow.
compress the thingy you want to give the clients
How would i use bindable functions? i looked through the API a bit but couldn’t find anything simmilar
Bindable functions aren’t networking
Alright I thought so, just wanted to make sure, thanks
I love this so much. I will totally use it in my games. Heres a suggestion: maybe add BitBuffer serialization. For example, if you were to send some position and orientation data to the server, this would be incredibly useful for optimization! The only problem i see trying to add this is deserialization and reading the bits in order on the server. Maybe the user can add some middleware for that.