BridgeNet | Insanely optimized, easy-to-use networking library full of utilities, now with roblox-ts! | v1.9.9-beta

This module offers nothing for security, however adding a maximum limit of packets a player can send is probably a good idea. I’ll be sure to include that in the full 2.0.0 version.

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It was my end actually. After scanning the module, I found that the module was creating and waiting for “RemoteEvent” in ReplicatedStorage. I had a RemoteEvent named RemoteEvent in replicated storage; therefore, it bugged the whole thing out.

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Nice work! I have never seen a networking module this good. Will be using in my upcoming framework.

Question: Is this made in pure Lua? or is this just a module that calls events and sends less data.

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I don’t know what you mean by “pure” Lua- but it only has a little bit of interaction with instances, if that’s what you mean.


I am very dumb and idk why this isnt working.


local bn = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedSorage").depends:WaitForChild("BridgeNet")

[bn.DefaultReceive] = 60,
[bn.DefaultSend] = 60,


local bn = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedSorage").depends:WaitForChild("BridgeNet")

[bn.DefaultReceive] = 60,
[bn.DefaultSend] = 60,


ServerScriptService.bridgenet test:4: table index is nil

(same error for client aswell)

.Start is removed in release candidates for 2.0.0- documentation is for the latest beta version, which is 1.9.9

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Plans on updating the documentation?

Updated the documentation just now.

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It doesn’t cap anything- BridgeNet will indeed help in this situation.

There are some optimizations I’ve done to help with massive amounts of send/receive this will be pushed in the next (and hopefully last) release candidate.

I have this weird issue I don’t know what error is this.

The scenario
I created a test local server for 2 players.
Both clients have output open
From the first player perspective (Green circle)
when the second player (Red Circle) Invoke the server to get a result the first player receives this error.
But when the first player Invoke the server to get a result It does not receive an error.

This works vise-versa
the first player fires a remote… well now from the output of the second player also outputs an error the same.

I solve this by not using the invoke. Instead when player request some data I re-fire it to the player from the server.

Although I didn’t want this because I needed the yield to make sure the data was sent back to the player before the script moves to the next line.

Fixed in the next version. Thank you for the bug report!


I keep getting a “Unable to cast value to object” error at line 286 in the server bridge. Any ideas why this could be happening?

EDIT: I wasn’t including the player target in my module, my bad!

I having this issue, it only error when :FireToAllExcept() is called from server. When new update?

If you noticed the output print nil because the client wasn’t receiving parameter from server

How do you set this up? Is there a tutorial somewhere? Sorry I am not really that good at this stuff but I really want this since it’s interesting

May I know a temporary fix for this? while we wait for an update?

Make sure that the character exists before running the check. I don’t think there is one.

This issue occurs when starting the game in studio, It also happens inconsistently.

Any idea what might be causing this?

Are you sending any nil arguments through?