Building Tools | build like Bloxburg

Alright, I will move it there.

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Hey, I just implemented your next suggestion in the current update wave. I wanted to release multiple things at once so people didnt have to spam the update buttons.

The newest update:

  1. Reprogrammed The “Hide Roof” button. Wasn’t working properly before
  2. Reprogrammed the deletion system for better optimization.
  3. Organizes objects based on floor now
  4. Any object previously put in replicatedstorage is now put in serverstorage.

Tell me what you think of the new update. Let me know if you find anything else. thanks for your feedback, which has helped the plugin improve.

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The plugin looks amazing, I can really see quite a few builders using it when it’s fully developed. I think you should work on the UI as it’s awfully bright at the minute so the icons of objects aren’t that visible, perhaps add a few UICorners as it’s a bit square, or maybe add a UI Configuration system.

The grid also places it every 2 squares, perhaps make it place 1 square at a time for better precision, or again, add more settings for it. And also a paint tool, so we can color the walls, etc.

Great work, keep at it!

You should consider removing “Bloxburg” from your plugin name. I am not sure if it is trademarked or not, but if the owner(s) of Bloxburg didn’t like you using it, they could possibly request your plugin to be removed for using their brand name without their permission.

For the color functionality, isnt it true that developers can just use roblox studios color system? Also, I have cross country and lots of AP classes as a junior in high school so I barely have any time to work in roblox studio.

I’m still able to make changes but it might take a while.

Yeah, that’s fine. It was just a suggestion because if you are making a tool similar to the bloxburg system, you might as well add the misc features it has.

And regarding the grid, I suggest making it 1 grid movement instead of 2, for each of placement.

I’ve tried that out and ngl I like it. Still needs some work here and there, but all in all, this is a very useful system. Thanks alot!

I was thinking of making the grid based on the object size itself since certain objects may not match perfectly with specific grids. For example the largest grid option could be half the size of the object being placed and as the grid shrinks so does the amount the size is divided increases

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Thanks for the feedback. Im happy you find it helpful! I worked hard making it

Last one is caused by the fact that the grid isn’t aligned to the lowest surface. You can change the grid height, but you seemingly can’t precisely set it. I was struggling with this too, wondering why i couldn’t see the floor. Then I realized that the floor was inside the surface I was building on.

I really hope that gets changed, because it makes building annoying. An option to snap the grid to a part’s surface would be really nice. That, and maybe a TextBox to set the grid height directly.

Hey @KrimsonWoIf I saw your floor system it’s was good but it’s kinda buggy

so here tutorial i made about floor
[Tutorial] how to make polygon triangle system! - Resources / Community Tutorials - Developer Forum | Roblox

it’s will help you a lot!


Thanks for the feedback. I checked out the post and it was done well.

from the image I think you’re stating the system is buggy in placing points inside of the shape.

However its important to note this design was intentional because that how Bloxburg’s building system works, which the building plugin attempts to replicate.

This functionality, while not as robust in handling points placed inside objects, is more familiar.

If you’re talking about visual issues in the shape the points create (when the points are places correctly) let me know.


They have cylinders on the ends of the parts to give them a smooth round look

The plugin is trying to replicate the effect of welcome to bloxburg and when I play welcome to bloxburg this is the flooring I see

From the image you can see how the lines are rigid without being cornered. Additionally, from the shape creation system in the post, the floor doesnt appear to have cylinders either:

Are you suggesting that these other tools are using cylinders on a micro level? Can you should me any contrast to the current flooring system?

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Why did you immediately go to him stealing things? Just let the guy share his creation with the world.

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what i mean about this tutorial for making the build floor system smoother and make a player have freedom in building

Thanks for the feedback on the tutorial. Just to clarify, can you specify what you mean by “make the player have freedom in building”? Are you suggesting I should make it so the script can be accessible to in-game players and not just developers too?

Hey guys I noticed that the plugin isnt appearing anymore. Why did that happen?

To make a plugin better you should have the freedom to build things and this is something you did but the plugin should be very important and this is something unfortunately not in your plugin but you should wokring more on your plugin to attract more people to this post

so people can use this plugins to make house or city or map :broom:
and that will be help ful but right now it’s dosen’t have a lot of models so builders can build what ever
they want and you need make the plugin have a smooth movement

what i mean about all that it’s the plugin should be useful for the builders but it’s dosen’t have any models just some models and you need keep post the update about the plugin so people can use the plugin more :star:

I am not a builder so I don’t have a lot of models for builders. You can add models to the plugin by creating a model then moving it into the plugin’s folder in explorer. Do you have any suggestions on how I can gain more models even though I’m not a builder?