Bundle Bug Causes Extreme Mass on Body Part, Leading to Game Disruptions

There is an issue with a bundle where one of its body parts has an extremely high mass value, reaching into the millions. This results in unintended physics interactions where characters using this bundle can unintentionally fling unanchored parts and even other players. This behavior disrupts gameplay and can negatively impact the experience of all players in a game.

The issue is particularly concerning in games that rely on precise physics interactions, such as obstacle courses, physics-based games, and PvP modes. The flinging effect can cause major disruptions, making certain areas of games unplayable when a player equipped with this bundle is present.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Equip the entire bundle from the Avatar shop.
  2. Join any game that contains unanchored parts or has other players.
  3. Walk into an unanchored part or another player.
  4. Observe that sometimes the object or player is flung across the map due to the high mass of the body part.
  5. Repeat the process in different games and under various conditions to see that the effect is persistent, although not always guaranteed.

Expected Behavior:
The bundle’s body parts should have appropriate mass values that align with standard humanoid physics, ensuring fair and balanced gameplay. Characters should not be able to generate excessive force on impact simply due to an abnormally high mass value.

Actual Behavior:
One of the body parts within this bundle has an abnormally high mass, leading to excessive force applied to objects and players upon contact. This often results in flinging objects and players unpredictably across the map. The issue can be exploited by malicious users to intentionally disrupt gameplay in certain multiplayer experiences, making it a significant concern for game developers and players alike.

Potential Impact:

  • Disruption of gameplay: Players using this bundle may unintentionally or intentionally cause chaos by flinging objects and players.
  • Unfair advantages: The physics-based flinging effect can be used to push players off platforms or interfere with competitive play.
  • Game-breaking interactions: In some cases, essential game objects may be sent flying, preventing players from progressing in certain levels or objectives.
  • Unpleasant player experience: The unpredictable physics interactions can frustrate players and lead to an overall negative gameplay experience.

Currently, there is no direct workaround other than avoiding the use of this bundle. Developers may attempt to implement physics constraints or additional character collision handling, but this is not a feasible solution for all games.

Additional Notes:

  • The exact method by which this high-mass property was applied is unknown, other than the fact that the uploader of the bundle was able to configure it this way using a glitch.
  • This issue is most noticeable in games with physics-based objects and unanchored structures, but it can also affect PvP games where precise movement and collision are crucial.
  • The inconsistency in reproduction suggests that certain environmental factors may play a role in the physics interactions, warranting further investigation.

It would be beneficial for the Roblox team to investigate the mass properties of this bundle and adjust them accordingly to prevent unintended physics interactions. If this issue is caused by an oversight in bundle creation, it may be worth reviewing other bundles for similar anomalies. Additionally, implementing stricter validation on bundle properties could prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.

We appreciate any updates or insights from the development team regarding this issue. Thank you for looking into this matter! Bundle link will be shared in PMs.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Just inserted into Roblox Studio, cannot seem to replicate what you’re seeing.
This is most likely a visual bug on your side.

Is anyone else able to replicate this issue?


You’re most likely looking at the incorrect body part. In this case, the right hand is what you are looking for.

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after thorough testing, I am not achieving the result you have had, instead, I am getting the results of the user you responded to. I believe this is just a visual glitch on your end!


Apologies, I was in fact looking at one of the legs. However, even after this knowledge, I was still unable to replicate what you are seeing. As suggested previously, this is most likely a visual bug on your end and in-game acts as a normal package.

edit: After extensive testing, I unfortunately have still not been able to replicate any ridiculous Mass values.

edit 2: It seems I have misread the message and chose the Left Hand instead of the right. Even with this issue resolved, I was unable to find any inflated Mass values.

I do not believe this report can be validated as multiple users have not been able to replicate it and that this report was made on a throwaway account.


Apparently, since other people are not able to replicate this bug (and somehow I am).
I will be providing code to replicate and proof:

My Code:

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local function GetOutfitIdFromBundleId(id)
	local BundleInfo = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(id, Enum.InfoType.Bundle)
	for i, item in BundleInfo.Items do
		if item.Type == "UserOutfit" then
			return item.Id

-- Create a HumanoidDescription from the bundle id
local BundleId = 269025838427559
local OutfitId = GetOutfitIdFromBundleId(BundleId)
local Description = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromOutfitId(OutfitId)

-- Create humanoid model of bundle using the HumanoidDescription
local Model = Players:CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription(Description, Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15)
Model.Parent = workspace

Create a play session and check out the mass on the right hand!

Edit: I’m guessing it has something to do with this:


Visually, the bug does not exist. It only exists in its functionality.


Thank you for the report. We’re looking at this right now. We think it’s the right hand. It has a larger bounding box.

Can you record a video if this happening? That will really help our investigation.



These bundles have been an issue for a year now and almost got patched out with new bundle validation but eventually made it’s return when people found a way to bypass said validation.

The mass is in the RightHand of the bundle due to it’s weird mesh and stealing said mesh is as easy as making a bundle and simply replacing the RightHand hence all the copies of it on the catalog.

Here is a short video showing off how it can move big objects and fling unanchored parts (and even Humanoids if lucky and or under the right circumstances.

This is the bundle used in the video above, there are many others on the catalog though many are hard and are getting harder to find due to people finding better methods to hide them. I may or may not reply or update this post if I find more but they’re usually normal looking blocky bundles so they don’t get detected in-game or on the catalog.

Another thing of note, there was a video made by star creator Flamingo abusing these bundles and he includes multiple groups in the description of the video who specialize in breaking and abusing UGC bugs like this one. He claims these bundles were an “accident” in the description, they were not and it is very obvious these bundles are made for malicious intent.

Said groups are Laced UGCs and david7133s UGC. In my opinion, something should happen to these groups and or people as they’re responsible for much more than just these bundles. They were originally ones to spread around the 2nd UGC size glitch and participated in the 1st UGC size glitch which is how they got popular in the first place.


Im glad this is finally being addressed!

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Here’s a video of the specific bundle this thread was created on and the mass of the right hand:

Source code here: Bundle Bug Causes Extreme Mass on Body Part, Leading to Game Disruptions - #9 by Mmm_Wafflez

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Hi everyone, thanks for your reports. The validation team is aware of this issue, and we are hoping to turn on a test next week to prevent new assets from having these large masses. We will also address existing disruptive assets, and will continue to look into the underlying physics causing the large mass.

Thanks again for your efforts and patience.


The bundle you originally linked here has now been deleted :upside_down_face:

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It should mean that the validation team have finished studying the bundle.

Nope, I had it deleted myself. Engineers have been well aware of this exploit for weeks, and aforementioned the patch has been ready but just not deployed yet

That’s great, make sure you can inform them about the other ones!

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Hey there, thought I’d update people on these groups as they’re relevant and are the ones making (yes, still making) glitched bundles.

After I made the initial post, they posted stuff to their group announcements and changed group descriptions, I also got friended by 2 people from Laced UGCs on Discord (potentially to harass me? but nothing has been said since I accepted the requests).

Thought I’d note, they’re also advertising their Discord social link in both group announcements and description (which is against the rules as it let’s people under 13 whom have lied about their age while signing up to see it, this is potentially very dangerous).

People in the Laced UGCs group wall are talking about the bundle from this bug report being deleted, which clearly indicates they were the ones that made it and were behind it.

They’re also claiming they upload “innocent” items and are popular off of something else, these are both lies and it is very obvious they’re lying. David is still uploading malicious and glitched bundles, and the guy that owns Laced UGCs even admitted in his bio that his group has troll items. David also seems to be uploading a lot of copyrighted characters as bundles, which is a seperate issue but still a big one.

Something needs to be done about these people and these groups because if not stopped, they’ll keep breaking rules even if items like huge mass bundles get patched.

There’s obviously more to be found about these people since they have a long history of rule breaking but I feel like there’s enough in this post said about them, I truly do hope something happens because these people will not stop and constantly will get more people to help them with this and help upload these types of items.


You should make a separate bug post for this!