Can I get a feedback for this game I have been working on?

So I have been working on this game for a month now but I couldn’t get any feedback from the players playing it, so I have decided to post it here to get at least some feed back on it

Destroy Roblox Youtubers

Effects I also made for the game:

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Dude, I cant even play

When I press play, nothing happens

(Im on tablet rn)

oh you need to at least select a primary, select the luger weapon as primary to be able to play

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Game’s good. It keeps saying gameplay paused now. Fix whats causing that.

  1. The “playspace” is kinda bland, since it’s just a baseplate. Maybe add map rotation, and add iconic maps like crossroads.
  2. I don’t like the fact that you can’t play in first person. First person is usually a lot less nauseating and comfortable to play in. If and when you do that, also up the FoV to around 90.
  3. The weapon selection room’s materials look bad, this could probably easily be fixed by disabling 2022 materials in MaterialService, the lighting also looks weird
  4. It gets a bit overwhelming when there’s a bunch of… youtubers running at you from different sides. Maybe have a pointer to each one on the screen, so you know which one to prioritize?

Also, those effects you linked are SICK! Amazing job!

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