What are you working on currently? (2022)

Hi fellow developers! :grinning: I used to be called Mr Meat but I changed my name to Cobay because I thought it would be more appropriate! Any way, I haven’t posted in awhile because I’v been busy with school, Youtube (channel is Cobay) and practicing scripting skills. Here is a walking donut I made by fusing a polyjford walking robot tutorial and a blender guru donut modelling tutorial. 7 hours of modelling and 3 hours of animating!

Walking Donut

Sorry for the bad quality

I’v also been scripting a moving cannon and modelling a Pirate theme game. Here is some progress:

Moving Cannon

Pirate Models

Screen Shot 2022-10-29 at 11.20.04 am

Screen Shot 2022-10-29 at 10.47.27 am


Glass Material Scope

Yesterday I was messing around with the glass material and wondered if it could be used to make a system that can magnify images within the scope without needing to change the player’s FOV. After a bit of experimenting and trying different curves and models for the lens, I was able to create the resulting image on the left. Due to the many limitations surrounding glass and transparent / partially transparent parts, this method doesn’t appear to be very practical for use in most games. While I find the result to be pretty cool, some of the limitations and notable quirks include:

  • Graphics setting must be ≥ 8 (Image on the right is what happens otherwise)
  • Glass distortion fx can’t be stacked (Only the closest visible glass surface will distort the image if they are placed behind each other)
  • Particles aren’t visible behind glass
  • Parts that have > 0 transparency will not be visible behind the glass
  • Certain post fx aren’t visible behind the glass (Can be useful in some situations, e.g. depth of field in the left image)
  • The smaller the lens, the more it magnifies, if you are far enough away and the lens is small enough relative to your distance, the image will flip upside down (Results in a maximum practical zoom limit)
  • The less transparency the scope has, the more it will zoom (Balance it with camera distance and lens size to get better results)
  • In general the higher the zoom, the blurrier the image

I know I’m not the first to create a system like this but I wanted to share my version of it to show its potential. Compared to other systems such as Dual Render scopes, I believe this system compensates (at least in part) for its lack of visual fidelity by saving on performance. Feel free to create your own version and improve upon this system. :sunglasses:


I am trying to build a machine system of sorts similar to the game satisfactory
i would make a game, but i cant script and dont know how to find any good scripters so, ima just keep building these. They are uncoloured mostly due to it probably not complete.


I’ve got not image to really capture what I’m working on, but I’m attempting to make a cool nextbot system.

Rarely have less than 3 projects going at once :sweat_smile:. At least I’m on Halloween holidays :jack_o_lantern: now and can get more work done. This is one of my projects, it’s an open world exploration/adventure game. Currently working on the massive map.


made this effect for my game


That is so cool! I like how it turns into spheres and slowly fades out.

Gives off an evaporating effect, I like it. :+1:

Titan blood from AOT?!


I’m working on logos

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better grass texture



My third car, a low poly Nissan Silvia
(still working on it)


Working on an analog TV thing, as well as adding a VHS player in the future. Right now I only have the custom text renderer working. The menu isn’t interactable yet, but it would somewhat look like this:

Yeah, I also made the font too.


“What’s that…? Oh! Looks like I need to BeReal!


not to be rude, but the first one’s text is piercing my eyes and i can’t really make it out.

I’m making a 3D model that could be used in Project Magical Mary (my experience) in the future. It’s the player’s starting wand, which should be used for teleportation, a’la Royale High’s Teleportation Scepter, but in a more compact and customizable form factor.

Its UV map/layout can be seen to the left of it; I’ll use the built-in materials for this model, but it’s set up for textures in case I ever add SurfaceAppearances that would add 2D designs onto it.

EDIT: The wand is now finished and I’ve posted a video and screenshots of how it looks in-game!


Yeah, most people say they can’t see the a in it.

Looks like squid game rooms cool

you heard about the “this house has people in it”?
looks great, maybe it could use some static as well

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cutscene moment